Does anyone have a copy of there diet history

Does anyone have a copy of there diet history so i can get an idea of what i need to send to the insurance company, i was denied for lack of info, i need help. [email protected]    — demick98 (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
When I put mine together I set it up as a table and my column headings were: diet program and or diet drug used. Start Date, End Date,Start Weight, End Weight, # lbs lost, amt of time weight was kept off and and the number of lbs regained. (I had to use approx dates since I had been dieting since I was 12. Remembering dates from 25 yrs ago was near impossible) The best of luck to you!
   — Lisa D.

November 5, 2003
My dr had a history of when I took diet pills, etc and amts lost and length of time. I have been a mbr of Weight Watchers for 5 years or more and kept my booklets showing that I lost, but each time I dropped out for any length of time, I regained at lest part if not more weight. At one point I had lost 140 pounds and put 100 of it back on. That did the job for me.
   — lharbison

November 5, 2003
I've sent you a copy of what I put together. Hope it helps!
   — Click

October 1, 2004

   — AngelaBGoode

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