Are there any out there that have experienced little or no hair loss?

What do you attribute that to? I do realize that some of us no matter what we do go through it, but I would still love to hear from those who haven't, thanks in advance, Joan    — Joan R. (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 21, 2003
I thought I would be an exception to the hair loss thing but it hit me at about 3.5 months and I thought I would be bald before it stopped. It has slowed down and I'm 5 months out now, and thank God for the thick mane I had before, because its not so noticable.
   — Happy I.

October 21, 2003
Hi,Had RNY lap 11-08-02 and haven't lost a hair yet. I have just tried to eat lots of protein. I did get some hair vitamins from Avon but I didn't even take them all. I do use salon shampoo and conditioner but then I also color & highlight. I am down 101 lbs and I am a slow looser (I hate to exercise)
   — Mona R.

October 21, 2003
I had very little hair loss and I didn't do anything all that special. I got my 50 -60 g of protein daily and I took my vitamins. Actually, I didn't start getting that much protein til I was about 3 months post-op. My surgeon says that hair loss is normal and not to be worried about and both he and my hair dresser said that all the expensive vitamins and treatments only make someone rich.
   — Patty_Butler

October 21, 2003
I had very very little hair loss. About 4-1/2 months I noticed a few more strands in the shower than normal but that's it and by 6 months it was over. No one, including me would have been able to tell I lost more than normal. <p>I attribute it to the luck of the draw. Based on my post-op plan and the little hair loss I had, I would say that protein intake does not matter to hair loss, but this is just my observation. My post-op plan uses food only, no protein drinks so we eat way less protein than most post-ops in the early months. The plan uses ketosis to the max and therefore it is not as critical to get in the minimum of 60 grams of protein. If it was, I would have been bald as it took me till at least 4 months to hit 60 grams of protein and most in my support group do not get there until 6 months. I truly believe there is not a thing we can do to prevent it or minimize it. It is just how your body reacts to the surgery and anesthesia etc. Don't fret as it does grow back!
   — zoedogcbr

October 22, 2003
I've not experienced any at 5 months and an 80 pound loss. My hairdresser said he did notice a small loss 6 weeks ago and did not think I had lost anymore on this appointment.He said the protein was important for hair and I have drank a 60 gram shake almost every day since May surgery.
   — Sharon B.

October 22, 2003
I am 5.5 mos podt op rny and experienced a little hair loss at about 4 to 4.5 months. Only lasted a few weeks, not a problem, just noticed more hair loss in brush and when washed my hair. It has stopped now -- I think keeping up the protein has done wonders for the hair and the body. I have a GNC 100% Whey Protein shake (2 scoops of powder - about 50 grams of protein) every morning at about 10 am -- have ever since I discovered GNC was good to drink (especially the chocolate with 1% milk)... I think this has helped me more than anything else.
   — Brenda D.

October 22, 2003
No hair loss here.
   — Danmark

October 23, 2003
I am 8 months post op and haven't lost any hair. I know many think it's luck and it probably is however, my stylist alogn with my Nutritionist both told me that if we have a high protein intake, there are better chances that we won't lose hair...Since our hair is protein in itself. Josii
   — meltedbuttr

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