Looking for Post-ops that are 5+ years out or more..

I would like to hear any information concerning long term health issues etc. from long term post-ops for RNY. Anyone out there 10 years or more? There is not much data on long term effects of the RNY procedure (open or lap). Thanks!    — drjakata (posted on October 14, 2003)

October 14, 2003
There is not much data out there because the data does not exist. Doctors are only recently studying us and any long term health issues. They will have a huge population to study in a few years. You can find lots of long term post-ops over at the yahoo OSSG grad boards but you can only post if you are one year or further post-op, but you can lurk!
   — Cindy R.

October 14, 2003
Cynthia, I'm a pre-op but I thought I would at least mention that my sister had her surgery 13 years ago and my mother's was done 23 or 24 years ago. Anything specific you want to know, I can gladly check with them. Both wer open R-n-Y. I do know that they still dump sometimes and still take vitamins and get B12 shots monthly. If they skip those, (especially mother) they feel very fatigued. Also, they are both still down 100 pounds or more from where they started. As for any other health issues, they haven't had any problems to speak off. Both of them did end up having their gallbladders out. Angel
   — Angela T.

October 14, 2003
As Cindy said, join the Yahoo Grad group...lots of old-timers on there. And again, you must be at least a year out to post, but it should be required reading for all, including doctors! LOL Here's the link: [email protected] Leslie-open RNY 8/99
   — Leslie F.

October 15, 2003
I am 6 years post. I had open rny. My weight is still down. I lost 115 lbs. The only problem I have had just happened last month and that was a kidney stone. I guess that is common in wls patients. Otherwise I am very healthy and can eat any type of foods without any dumping. I can enjoy chocolate still but small amounts of course not even a full piece of cake, a small sliver. I eat small portions for meals still. I don't have any heartburn anymore. I know the other wlsr's that had the surgery in my area, before and after me, are doing great as well. I see them from time to time.
   — christine M.

October 15, 2003
I'm 9 yrs, husband is 8. Yes, there are long term issues to look at. I could go one for a couple hundred pages, but do as Leslie said, tune into Grads, stay put. You'll see the osteoporosis, kidney stones, anemia, protein issues--many of which could have been prevented--if ONLY we'd known then what we know now.
   — vitalady

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