Can I be diabetic?

I am about 9 months out and recently, I find myself getting sick almost everytime I eat. I've always had to be careful what I eat, because I was a big dumper in the beginning. Now, however, almost ANYTHING I eat that is not straight protein makes me sick. I am not dumping on it...I actually get sick. I brake out in a cold sweat, have terrible heart palpitations, get dizzy, become extremely sleepy to the point of almost passing out and develop cold like symptons. It is really started to be a problem, especially during the day at work. Are these symptons of diabetes? I know I need to see a doctor, but I am trying to determine if I need to see my surgeon or my PCP for a blood test. Thanks for your help!!! Ro    — Ro S. (posted on September 1, 2003)

September 1, 2003
Hi, Ro, this reminds me of my hypoglycemic episodes, when my blood sugar dropped too low. I would get the same symptoms you have; including grouchiness, disorientation. Here's what I would do: Contact your surgeon, tell him/her what's going on, and see what he/she wants you to do from there. He/she may want you to schedule a test with your pcp; you may need a glucose tolerance test; that's how I found out I have it. I actually have hyper and hypoglycemia; not quite diabetes, because I'm controlled with my diet and don't take any meds for it. Hopefully with this surgery, I'll be "normal" someday. Good luck to you, I hope this helps!
   — Moysa B.

September 1, 2003
Certainly sounds like low/high blood sugar reactions to me. I'm a type 2 diabetic (not insulin dependent) and if I go too long without a small snack in the afternoon, or exercise too hard, those are the exact symptoms! Check with your pcp and discuss this with him. However, the word that I rcv'd from my pcp, is that with a significant weight loss, type 2 diabetes usually diappears very soon after surgery - that's what I'm looking forward to - but check with your pcp ASAP!
   — track

September 1, 2003
It sounds more like hypoglycemia than full-scale diabetes, but since we're not doctors here,it's best to see your doctor asap. They'll most likely do a blood test, probably at a fasting level to see what your blood sugar is. It also might help to keep track of what you eat for a few days before you go and see if you and your doctor can pinpoint if it's a time of day thing, or type of food issue. I have problems with this if I don't eat or eat too many carbs. Most hypoglycemia can be controlled with diet.
   — Cathy S.

September 2, 2003
hiya~ what you are experiencing IS a form of dumping. people think that you only vomit/diarehea (sp?) with dumping but you are having an insulin reaction. your body cannot handle whatever it was you just ate (most likely a high carb food -- keep a food journal for a few days to really track what you are eating) and so it dumps a bunch of insulin to try to balance out for whatever you ate and then it almost has to "shut down" to work all the sugar & insulin out of it's system. i know this because i go through the exact same thing as does most of the people in our wls support group. if you experience the symptoms of shakiness, tired, irritable, palpitations, sweaty and you HAVEN'T eaten, THAT is a hypoglycemic episode and a lot of post op wls'ers become hypoglycemic. i cannot start my day with a food that is higher in carbs than protein otherwise i set myself up on a rollercoaster of blood sugar for the whole day. and i must eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar levels normal. also, post op, your "levels" may not track the same as in someone who has not had if 70 is considered normal fasting blood sugar level for a non-wls patient, it can be considered low blood sugar for a wls patient. DO NOT GET A GLUCOSE TOLERANCE TEST post op, it could put your body into shock -- literally. anyway, i would recommend keeping a food journal for a few days, look up the nutrient breakdown in the foods you ate and i'll bet it comes down to the foods giving you those symptoms were high in carbohydrates and/or sugars. good luck, kate
   — jkb

September 3, 2003
That sure sounds like dumbing to me. Maybe you are eating too fast or, not chewing enough. If that is not it. Maybe to much fat or sugar. Not sure. But i would talk to you pcp.
   — spring A.

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