Can't get a restaurant card.

My doctor and nurse do not "believe" in the restaurant card; hence, I won't be able to get one. I tried to look it up on the website provided in the chat pages ( but that website is incorrect or they have changed it. Someone have an idea what I should do?    — Elaine S. (posted on August 25, 2003)

August 25, 2003
Just explain to them when you go that you have had gastric bypass and see what they say. None of the places that I have gone to have asked to see the card when i've told them. Show them your belly, that should be proof enough.
   — Beverly S.

August 25, 2003
Here is a website where you can print your own cards, fill in the information, and laminate them yourself. They also have medical alert cards which are important so that in case of an emergency, medical personnel will know not to put a NG tube in you.
   — psychobabble35

August 25, 2003
I wouldn't worry too much about having the card. Most places only have a limited childs menu such as chicken fingers, grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs etc. Not good choices for us. I have only used mine once, in Ryan's on the buffet. I just order what I want from the regular menu. What I don't eat I take home or leave it. I Don't feel like I am wasting it because if I had eaten it all it would be just as gone and cost the same.
   — Tawnda C.

August 25, 2003
I personally don't feel it's a benefit for us. My husband and I either share a meal and he gets extras, such as soup to alot him to get his fill. Most restraunts serve way too much food anyway so sharing is better for us. Or we get our own meals and we take home alot for another meal the next day. Ordering off the Children's menu is not helpful due to all their things are fried. So don't feel you NEED one. Sally ( down 73 in 5 months!!!)
   — Sally P.

August 25, 2003
My Dr didn't believe in them either, so a friend gave me hers. I am 1 year out (today, whoo-hoo!) and have NEVER had to use my card. I either order off the kids menu if there is something fairly healthy on it, order a salad or appetizer, or just share off my hubby's plate. There are even some restaraunts that will give you a half portion at a reduced price if you explain to the waitress that you 'dont want' that much food. I have never even had to explain why I cant eat a lot to a waiter, but I have had managers try to not charge me for my meal because they thought there was so much left on my plate because there was something wrong with the food. That is the only time I have revealed my 'secret'!
   — salymsmommy

August 25, 2003
I have one and only used it once. My card has a very nice drawing of the surgery on the back, and I use it more for the picture than anything else. Restaurants never charged me more because I could eat more, so now I don't worry about getting a discount. My DH and I share something or we take home leftovers - just like normal people!
   — koogy

August 26, 2003
Mine did'nt believe in it ether. Most places I've been to would'nt honor it anyway. I just showed Old Country Buffet and Ponderosa my Open scar. They let me eat with the child's price for about four times. Then they said the manager would'nt allow it anymore. Sure don't know why, I was extra careful not to eat much. What little I took I cleaned off my plate! So now if I have to eat at an all you can eat place (maybe twice a year), I eat, go puke, eat and puke again. Heck, if I have to pay $8 to eat, I'm going to eat! I don't do this often and so I don't stretch anything with only twice a year. I know others who see this will bitch about it, but I try to be honest. Anyway, most places (at least in Upstate NY) won't honor cards and such. So I don't think you are missing much by not having one. Just eat off a family members plate now. So far, no restaurant has ever given me problems or charged me extra. I do tell them about WLS, and they see how little I eat. All the waitresses and restaurants have been very good about this. I've found that most of the waitresses know someone personally who have had wls so they lite up with a big smile and ask tons of questions. I had to tell them as they all come running asking what is wrong with the food when I only eat about 6-8 bites. :) I'm open so I'm glad to help them understand whatever they want to know. You can tell when people are asking for the wrong reasons.
   — Danmark

August 26, 2003
I've never used one and don't know anyone who does. They're really not that helpful -- why do you need one? Just eat less and take stuff home. I can make almost three meals out of any restaurant entree... eating off the kids menu is usually a bad choice -- usually they'll give you a lunch or appetizer portion of just about anything if you ask.
   — Lisa C.

August 27, 2003
Why dont you just make your own up using a business card format and put a small photo of you large on it with some info....that way its discrete and you personalized it.
   — danab

August 27, 2003
i personally would be embarrassed to use a restaurant card, as some one else said, they never charged me extra to eat more. I NEVER go to all you cna eat places, I call them how to get fat places. Look at the clienale at buffetts. I will guarentee you will se a much larger than usual number of morbidly obese people. Not where I want to go again. I do go to places that offer reasonable poertions. Many places have smaller lunch portions. red lobster offers 1/2 portions on all the fish. other wise if I order a regualr entree, I eat part and take home a coupleextra meals. Or I get a small salad and a shrimp cocktail.
   — **willow**

August 27, 2003
I have kept this surgery a secret, so using a restaurant card is not an option. Besides, I had this surgery to feel normal and I now eat like a normal thin person. Why would I want to present a card and appear different? Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 31, 2003
   — Shirley F.

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