Post op RNY, Colonoscopy Okay?

I know this question is related to the "other" end. I have a family history of colon cancer and intestinal cancer is there any problems with going in and having a colonoscopy post op RNY? I need to stay on top of it, thanks.    — Joan R. (posted on August 13, 2003)

August 12, 2003
Its no problem at all but get a bowell prep like fleet phospho rather than go lightly. No use trying to drink such a large amount of YUK. Easier to take just a few swallows of YUK. Be sure to drink enough water soo you dont get dehydrated, espically if you are a new postie.
   — bob-haller

August 13, 2003
During a Colonoscopy they only look at the large intestine, so there shouldn't be any problem.
   — Sarahlicious

August 13, 2003
I was having problems with nausea about 7 months post-op and afer ruling out all other causes, my doctor ordered a colonoscopy. It was done inpatient as I was hospitalized for dehydration. There was no problem with it at all and they discovered the cause of my problem - diverticulosis. I was treated for about two months and have had no recurring problems.
   — Patty_Butler

August 13, 2003
I am post op open RNY, and had a colonscopy in april. I do agree that you will prefer to get the 3 oz bottle of phosphosoda rather than drink the gallon jug of golytely. Do be sure to drink plenty of clear liquids the day before when you are doing this bowel prep.. you dont want to be any drier than you have to be. Good luck to you.. the prep is the worse part of this test.
   — Gina Landers

August 13, 2003
I'm a colon cancer survivor and post-op open RNY .. and I've had two colonoscopies since RNY with no problem. The other posters are right ... it's hard enough to do three ounces of that HORRIBLE prep .. I could never do a gallon! Yuck .. I can still "taste" that stuff!
   — PEARL B.

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