Having a prob w/vomiting and dry heaves for approx 3 weeks now.

My Tummy has been sore this week. Called my surgeons office and was told the pain was from bruising. I don't know if it is from eating too fast or not chewing well. Don't believe its from eating too much, because it can happen right after a couple of bites. What can I do? How can I break these habits of eating too fast or not chewing well. I had no problem for the first 6 weeks or so. MaryLyn 5/21/03 -56    — Kriola (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 7, 2003
Might be a stricture so if it keeps up I would call your surgeon and get an outpatient endoscopy done.
   — jennifer A.

August 7, 2003
Call your doctor because it sounds like a stricture. If so, they'll need to do an EGD and open your hole a little larger. I just had that procedure and I'm able to eat much better.
   — Starrlina

August 7, 2003
Hey, I'll put my 2 cents in too....Call your Dr. probably a stricture. I've had 3. Simple endoscopy will releive them. I agree with the other posts. But don't can become dehydrated very easily and quickly. Take Care
   — Karen Renee

August 8, 2003
My husband had similiar symptoms 4 weeks after surgery. He was doing just fine and was supposed to go back to work on Monday when he started dry heaving almost constantly, developed stomach pain and could only take a bite or two of food over the weekend. We had a hard time getting someone to LISTEN to either of us. He was blown off by the nurse clinician who told him to "sit up straight when eating" and "some nausea was to be expected". He wound up having an endoscopy that revealed no stricture, but some "debris" and old blood at the anastamosis (where the pouch and intestine are joined). The surgeon cleaned it all away, and since an irritated spot was still oozing some blood, my DH had to stay in the hospital overnight on a Protonix drip, then had to take Protonix and Carafate for about a month. On the up side, when I saw him in recovery after his endoscopy, he already felt about 95% better! The point here is to make sure you call the surgeon's office back and let whomever know that this is a NEW problem for you and it is not getting any better, and it is concerning you enough to call before it gets to the point you wind up in the emergency room, which is where you should go if they don't listen to you. Good luck and let us know what happens!
   — koogy

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