Hi all, My eyes are bigger than my stomach.

Anyone else do this? I always get bigger portions than what I can eat. I had a salad today at work, it was big, and of course I could not finish it, but I find myself taking large portions and wasting the food. it really irks me that I do that. Went to a birthday party tried to take a small amount of the foods I liked, the paper plate was full. Ate a few bites and gave the rest to my mom. She is not a big eater at all and of course she didn't finish what was there.. I know this may seem minor to some of the problems we can have but I can't stand it. Ok enough of this complaint. :) MaryLyn    — Kriola (posted on July 31, 2003)

July 31, 2003
I do the same thing!! I think that for me, I was just so used to taking large portions (and eating every bite, lol), that it's just a hard habit to break now. At least now we CAN throw food away, instead of finishing that last morsel, and going back for more!! :o) ~ Cat
   — Cat S.

July 31, 2003
I don't know if this will help you, but in these situations, I always use the smallest plate I can find. I never eat from a dinner plate.
   — Amber L.

July 31, 2003
I think it makes me feel better to have the bigger plate. I usually carry zip loc baggies every wear though and try not to waste the food. my kids look for the bags at the end of the day to see if there is anything they like. This may not work for you.. But it keep me from feeling deprived.
   — Kelli Miller-Freeman

July 31, 2003
It wasn't as hard for me as it was (is) for my husband! The first few times we went to a restaurant after he had WLS, I couldn't convince him to order either and entree and split it with me, or we should order soup and split an appetizer. Oh, no - he wanted the entree and soup! After we took food home a few times, he finally learned! What is weird now is to look at someone else fill up a plate and wonder where the heck they are going to put ALL that food! My sister commented that I now eat portions she SHOULD eat! It just takes time to unlearn old habits!
   — koogy

July 31, 2003
Portion control has always been an issue for me, and at 4 months post-op, I haven't tamed that devil. I still take way too much food when I'm at a party or some other buffet type of thing. Even when I think I'm doing OK taking one piece of chicken, one slice of roast beef, a couple teaspoons of mashed potatoes and a stalk of broccoli, that's too much. I still have to measure all my food at home and what I bring to work for lunch and snacks, because I just can't eyeball it yet. I think it takes a very long time for some of us to solve this one. I've learned to get comfortable throwing food out (another big problem for me pre-op).
   — Vespa R.

July 31, 2003
I look at it this way: It's better to waste the food by throwing it away than "waist" it on my body.
   — Liz R.

July 31, 2003
PreOp my Nutritionist told me I was going to have to quit the "clean plate club!" I did not think it would be a big deal. However..... it is frustrating to see such good food go to waste. I use small plates or bowls at home. Don't be too frustrated with yourself. It takes a while to break the old habits....years worth of old habits! Eventually, you will be able to know what you can and cannot eat and how much of it. Meanwhile, no matter what is on your plate, do not overstuff'll just feel miserable. Best wishes!
   — teresa M.

July 31, 2003
I think we all go through this. Some of us take longer than others to figure it out. Last night my husband and I cooked a frozen pizza. I had 1/2 a serving which is an 1/8 of the pizza. My husband ate over half the pizza. Which meant we still had some to throw away. Me throw pizza away! I used to be able to finish that pizza off. I think my husband feels bad that we are throwing so much away that he tries to eat more. Pretty soon he will be in the same situation as most of us are in. We have to learn to throw things away. My rule for lesftovers are if I don't eat it within 3 days it goes in the garbage can. For example. I will cook a boca burger and eat half for lunch. I'll finish the second half the next day. It is really hard to get used to eating smaller portions, especially at get togethers when there is just a spread of food. I try to put a teaspoon of the different things I want on a plate.
   — Heather M.

August 1, 2003
A little different idea here. Preop I ate it all whether I was hungry or not. In my mind eating something just to clear my plate even if I was full is just as wasteful as throwing it out. I just am not using my body as the garbage can any more.
   — **willow**

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