Need IMMEDIATE help with impaction/constipation

Please don't read if you find this topic unpleasant. I am two months out. Am eating mostly ALL protein in the form of meat and protein shakes. Am taking calcium (Citrical), iron and vitamins. I drink 64 oz of water a day. I feel good EXCEPT I am SEVERELY constipated enough so that I have a pretty bad impaction. I have been plugged up severely for the past two days. This morning I went out and got glycerin supposities, nothing. After screaming on the toilet for an hour, I finally used my fingers and could basically pull out some terribly hard ball. I got enough out to relieve the pain and pressure in my rectum but it caused me to bleed and I still feel miserable. I have sent my husband to the store for MOM, prune juice and some sort of suppository to help with the pain I caused myself by trying to dig out the impaction. I have strained so hard I'm afraid I will have huge hemorroids and don't want to go through this again. Anyway, I have read everyone's advice here on how to prevent this from happening again (I plan to use Beneful, add some carbs and some fat) but until I'm on the prevention side of this problem, what am I to do to get rid of this impaction?    — Nancy H. (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 13, 2003
Try drinking more caffeine free liquids. Its summer and if we get dehydrated our bodies will take water from the lower bowell. Instant constipation. I have had this problem. Try adding some fat to your diet. I stumbled onto this after eating some greasy onion rings. Fast and tasty way to empty out.:) Soak in a hot bath. Its unpleasant but can go away fast.
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2003
If your husband got the prune juice, warm it up, just hot enough to drink. I worked in a nursing home and the nurses and some of the old folks said this works. Good luck!
   — Kimmie H.

July 13, 2003
Boy do I feel your pain. I have been that way several times, both before and after surgery. As a result I have hemmroids and a rectal hernia. I have vowed not to let myself go more than 5 days without a movement. That seems to be the key to not getting to impacted. Most of the things you mentioned do not help me at all. I drink a cup of "smooth move" tea if I don't go on my own. It is caffine free and can be found in any health food store. I am afraid I would become dependant on stronger laxitives.
   — Tawnda C.

July 13, 2003
Hi Nancy! I'm sorry your having such trouble. It sounds like you need a stool softener. I take 2-4 Colace a day because I can also get impacted. I would get an enema to try to help immediately, then start the Colace and drink LOTS of water. You can try the Peri-Colace, which is a laxative and stool softener, but don't stay on that for more than a few doses. Hope you feel better soon!
   — dcopehp

July 13, 2003
You say you are living mostly on meat and protein shakes. I found I needed to add fiber to my diet. Whenever I eat meat I am sure to add in some well cooked vegatables. This has helped me digest the meat so much better. Good luck.
   — tonyapf

July 13, 2003
I feel your pain, literally! I can tell you that to remove an impaction, you need to either do it manually (like you tried), or you need an enema. Try a Fleet's mineral oil, it lubricates and helps to break the stool up. I'm a nurse and that's the way we treat impactions. For now, taking anything by mouth for it isn't going to work cause there's a cork at the bottom!! Good luck!
   — Sungurl B.

July 13, 2003
Been there... Not pleasant. I have found that by taking two stool softeners each night and using Benefiber every day, I stay pretty regular. Without it, well, it was bad. A salad helps or any type of fiber. Lots of liquids. If necessary, I take doculax. I am sure any type of laxitive would work. Do not let it got more than a couple days without going. In the meantime, use a hemoroidal cream that is for internal and /or external so that the swelling is reduced and the pain lessoned. Use as needed. Any of the advise you have found here will help get you moving again and stay that way. If you find you still have a problem, talk to you doctor. There is a medication to help with this problem. Good Luck... LAP RNY 8-28-02 down 110lbs.
   — Linda K.

July 13, 2003
Oh, man... been there, done that, got the t-shirt, and won't do it again for anything! I feel ya! :~) Now, I tried everything everyone listed, but the only thing that worked for me and works for me when I begin to get consitipated again, is a script from my doc... it is called, "Miralax". I had to take it two times a day for three days before it helped. I still take it once a week for prevention. It really helped and I've not had to go "mining in the dirt" for nearly a year (18 months post-op). Good luck and Hugs... this is such a yucky part of this surgery, isn't it! :~(
   — Sharon M. B.

July 13, 2003
I had this problem in December, compounded by an anal fissure- I tried EVERYTHING to get moving and nothing worked, prunes had the opposite effect~they bound me up. I stopped cottage cheese too cuz was told it does that too- I started using 4-6 fiber tablets a day with 3-5 stool softners- EVERY DAY. Now that things are moving I only take 2 each, but I am religious about it because if I miss just ONE day, my bowels just stop moving! Good luck
   — ~~Stacie~~

July 13, 2003
As the others have mentioned, try adding some fat to your diet, either using butter, mayo or salad dressing. When I first had the problem and mentioned it to the Dr he suggested citricel sugar free. BIG mistake. The fiber bond m up eventhough I drank plenty of water. Oh, one thing that was very helpful and I found by accident, is eating a few pieces of sugar free chocolate. The sorbitol acts as a laxative. I found that the stuff you buy by the pound works better than the packaged stuff. It's a miserable feeling and I, like you have suffered with it. I still have the problem from time to time and am so far not taking iron as to not aggravate the situation. I get my bloodwork back this week and hope my iron level is ok. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

July 13, 2003
Hi Nancy- I'm sorry that you're suffering like that. My non-professional advice is that because you're that severely impacted, you may need to go to your doctor for him/her to remove it. Sorry, it's gross, I know. When I worked with physically disbabled persons, one woman had a tendency to become impacted, and when it reached the severity that you've mentioned, the nurse would have to come and do an impacted bowel extraction. Hang in there, dear, and hope you feel better soon. Mea
   — Mea A.

July 13, 2003
Hi Sorry that you are feeling so terrible.You were on to the right thing when you removed the impaction right now a lubricated finger is probably your best friend.If you feel that you can remove the impaction yourself then go for it otherwise see your Dr for help.Once you remove most of the impaction a fleets enema may be able to reach the rest and soften it so you can pass it normally.
   — Lisa F.

July 14, 2003
I had the same "wonderful" experience. I saw my primay care dr. who sent me to a specialist. I followed all the suggestions on this support page and another one. My primary care dr. gave me a prescription. I ended up with tearing and external hemoroids. Not fun. I didn't like taking prescriptions (I had surgery to get away from so many) so I talk to my nutritionist. She said add more fats to my diet and try fruits. Fruit worked. Sounds simple I know. I wasn't eating fruit--didn't want to add any more calories than necessary. Fruit is very necessary to me. It takes awhile to find the correct amount that will do the trick, but it beats prescriptions.
   — june22

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