I am 7 mos. post op and the hunger pangs are here in full force.

What can I do to nip these in the bud. Any ideas for snacks etc. I drink water all day long!    — Lisa B. A. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
Hi Lisa, Your hunger will be asuaged by supplementing with protein drinks and/or protein snacks. The protein keeps your blood sugar levels at an even keel. When your blood sugar dips, it causes hunger pangs. But if you can keep those blood sugar levels stable, you won't be hungry as often. Avoid simple carbohydrates, which have a high glycemic index (causes surges in blood sugar, then shortly afterwards the blood sugar plummets). Just think-- "Protein--Protein--Protein."
   — artistmama

July 10, 2003
I am 6 months post-op. My hunger pains came back about 5 months. How many meals are you eating a day? I was eating only 3 although my nutritionist suggested 5 to 6. My hunger got so bad I started snacking on things I really shouldn't have. I lost only 8 lbs that month. I decided to give my nutritionist suggestions a shot. I now eat 5 to 6 meals a day making one of those meals as soon as I get home from work. This was the biggest snacking time for me. It worked. I did not stay hungry constantly and I lost 13 lbs this month. I know it is rebelling against everything you have been told in the past. I felt like I had no control eating so often, but now I keep a dieter's diary (available at Walden's Book Store). I also pack my snacks for work so I am not tempted. My nutritionist explained it this way--you have to keep fuel in a car to keep it running. Without fuel the warning light will come on. If you have any questions you can contact me at [email protected].
   — june22

July 10, 2003
I had this problem, too. The single best thing I did is switch to an all-protein breakfast. You will not believe the difference! To this day, if I eat carbs for breakfast I starve all day long. Protein first and, well, I remember to eat but I eat less often and smaller quantities. Remember, too that your body goes thru phases and you may actually NEED more food now than you have been eating in the past. If you haven't been taking advantage of the "mini-meals" concept, this may be the time to try it. I starved for a couple of months until I got my carbs under control and realized that I needed to eat more frequently (every 2 hours or so). Once I had done that for a while, I went back to eating regularly (every 3 hours).
   — ctyst

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