Has Anyone Tried Spiru-tein protein drinks?

We picked up some at a natural food store, and they have 8 grams of sugar - ingredients list only fructose, which dietician said is okay, but at 6 days out, I don't want to risk dumping. Experiences, recommends? Thanks gang!    — Stacey R. (posted on May 13, 2003)

May 13, 2003
I've never tried that or even heard of it before, but how much protein does it have in it? Maybe you could split the drink into 2 servings, that way there is only 4grams of sugar each time you drink it. Usually that is a small amount and you probably won't dump on it. Just a thought!
   — Lezlie Y.

May 13, 2003
The cans look very appealing, but if you look at the label the sugar's kinda high. I asked my vitamin shoppe manager the other day about them. She said, they taste good but they're not good for you as a wls patient. I'm sticking with the designer whey for now.
   — msmaryk

May 13, 2003
"natural" sugar can fatten you up just like fake sugars. Ask me how I know. sigh. I thought Spirutein rather high in sugar for the amount of protein. I want less than 6g sugar to 30g protein made in watter. Also, I never could warm up to the texture of soys. Don't just all powders by soy, OK? Whey is smooth!
   — vitalady

May 13, 2003
Isn't Spiru-tein soy protein? I don't think that it is the most absorbable type for up posties. I believe that whey protein is a better choice. I actually used to use Spiru-tein pre op and it is VERY thick in consistency. I could not have gotten that down a week out. I would look for something thinner with more protein per serving. Good Luck!
   — Carol S.

May 14, 2003
Stacey, Oh I tried that Spiru-tein protein mixes, oh gosh they were gross,! I bought 2 jars of mixes and tried them, tried to make a shake with ice and milk, sort of like a cold capicinno, seeing they have the flavor, oh no such luck, it tasted aweful, I saved my receipt and brought them back the next day, I opted for the Myoplex lite cappicinno mix instead, oh now that's good.... Post op 12 months down 130 pounds
   — tannedtigress

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