I wanted to have a tummy tuck while i was in the O.R. getting the WLS since i have a loose tummy (from years of gaining & losing weight). But i guess i'll postpone it till i lose all of my xss weight after the WLS (no point doing it twice, right?!). So, when is the best time to do it post-op? One year? — Laura R. (posted on May 8, 2003)
May 7, 2003
I was told that the results are best if you are at or near goal. I just
had my TT done last week, I am 11 months post op and had been at goal for
six months. Also, you want to wait at least a year or close to it if you
still have your gall bladder. I think the stats are about 30% of all post
ops develop problems with their gall bladder within the first 12 months.
You wouldn't want to finally have a perfect tummy then have to go and get
it cut open to remove your gall bladder.
— Linda A.
May 8, 2003
I waited 15 months. I had met with my PS about 5 months eailer. he wanted
my weight to stabilize for 2 months before he worked his magic. I am 1
month post TT and could not be happier with the results. Good Lux
— Robert L.
May 8, 2003
You are still pre-op right? I have heard of some surgeons that will remove
the "apron" at the same time as wls. It is not a tummy tuck as
there is no muscle repair -- just a removal of overhanging skin and fat.
Usually a person does need to have a full tummy tuck at a later date, but
some do fine with having it done this way. Most surgeons WON'T do it this
way, though. This is just one more thing to dicuss with yur surgeon. If you
have a very large pannus it might be worth investigating. I carried my
weight all over rather than so much in the stomach, and I didn't really
need a TT until I lost the last 35 pounds or so. Then: whoa! Ten came from
ym boobs and the rest from my stomach. I was a mess, like, overnight! I
waited a year from reaching goal to have the TT though. Good luck!
hugs, Ann rny 9/10/99 260/124
— [Deactivated Member]
May 8, 2003
Most recommend that you wait until your weight loss has stabilized for a
few months and that you are within 20 pounds of goal-for most, this is
around the 18 month post-op point.
— Cindy R.
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