Manuel or electric treadmill???

I am thinking of getting rid of my stat bike, hurts my tailbone. and replacing it with a treadmill. SHould I get a manuel or electric one? Or some other piece of equipment? The eliptical trainers look fun too. Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on April 15, 2003)

April 15, 2003
Wendy, where is Drums, PA? If you're near Pittsburgh, I'll give you my electric treadmill which is in great shape, but I have a bad knee and can't use it as it bothers me. I love the elliptical trainer... no impact on bad knees!
   — mom2jtx3

April 15, 2003
DEFINETELY electric, manual ones are a waste. If anyone around pittsburgh wants my maual one its free for the taking. Just email me. Manual SOUNDS good but doesnt work.
   — bob-haller

April 15, 2003
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT GET A MANUAL TREADMILL!!!! I made a mistake and thought that a manual treadmill would be easy to walk on and since it folds up and took up less space I thought that it was a good idea. However, I got on it only a few times and it was boring!! The electric ones seem to be more interesting and it will motivate you more, the manual treadmills leave it up to you to be motivated throughout your workout. A even better decision is a recumbent bike. It burns more calories, it's quiet, uses more muscle groups, takes less time to relieve stress, works the muscles in your thighs, legs and ankles and it supports your back and back muscles. It also takes any strain off of your back and relaxes you! GOOD LUCK, BUT DO NOT BUY A MANUAL TREADMILL! SHIRLEY
   — Shirley M.

April 15, 2003
   — msmaryk

April 15, 2003
Hey you all...that isn't fair. I have a Nordic Track Walk Fit that we got a good deal on several years ago and I have found it to be a great workout. Yes, it does take more work to get it (and keep it) going, and maybe it isn't as "exciting" as a motorized treadmill that will vary your pace for you but, I have found that after walking an hour a day for eight weeks now that I really don't mind it. Also want to mention that I recently started walking outside and have found that I can't even get up into target heart rate unless I jog/walk/jog/walk and on my manual treadmill I get up to heart rate in under two minutes! Either way I don't think you can go wrong though as long as you don't use it as a clothes rack!
   — eaamc

April 15, 2003
For ME a manual treadmill is tough on the knees. Because you have t provide the walking power. Consumer reports came out against them too. A friend has a nordic trac, it didnt appear so hard to operate.
   — bob-haller

April 15, 2003
you burn more calories with the elliptical trainer!
   — CrystalBroj

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