Do you think donating blood

Do you think donating blood 4 days before my surgery is a bad idea? The blood service comes to my job and I've always donated. Donation day is friday april 11 and surgery is tue on april 15.    — zapuback (posted on April 5, 2003)

April 5, 2003
My guess (and it is a guess) is that it would not be a good idea. You don't want to start out dehydrated. The best thing to do is call your surgeon and ask.
   — garw

April 5, 2003
Check with your surgeon but sounds like a bad idea.
   — bob-haller

April 5, 2003
I donated blood about 2 or 2 1/2 months prior to my surgery. While the needle was in my arm and I was already involved in the process we started talking about my upcoming surgery. She told me (American Red Cross) that I was under no circumstances to give blood again before surgery. It takes your body a while to replinish what you've lost. Sure, it's not gonna kill you to lose a pint of blood, it's the precious things like your cells and such that are in the blood you need. I would not advise you to give blood 4 days prior to surgery. You will need all your reserves for your recouperation. Just my humble opinion, but ask your Dr. to be sure. Hope this helps. Robin
   — Robin V.

April 5, 2003
Absolutely don't do it.
   — Patricia E.

April 5, 2003
I have not had WLS yet, but I had a hysterectomy and had to make an autologous blood donation. that's where your own blood is taken and stored in case you need it during surgery; reduces the risk of infection or allergic reaction from donor plasma. My doctor had me do it 28 days before the surgery; any closer would have been unsafe. So imagine how dangerous a blood donation FOUR FREAKIN' DAYS BEFORE would be.
   — Kasey

April 5, 2003
You don't need severe anemia on top of trying to recouperate from surgery. Many normal people have *some* anemia just from loss of blood after surgery, so can you imagine how you might be? <p> Also, my surgeon does not allow his patients to donate blood after weightloss surgery because we are already prone to anemia anyway, so you may want to ask your surgeon for future "donation days" at work. Good luck to you!!<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -95lbs & Counting!
   — thumpiez

April 5, 2003
Must go with Patricia Emery and Kasey Jones on this one. I'm was and am a regular donor, before WLS and after and I encourage blood donations; but your donor days are over for about twelve months. Just relax and concentrate on recovering. Good luck and hang in there.
   — Chuck O.

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