How long before I can drive and the recovery time for a full lower Body lift?

   — shakeyourweight (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 6, 2003
I had the full lower body lift w/ breast lift and was driving within a week and was back to work in two weeks... the first couple of days from home, then back to the office.
   — mom2jtx3

February 8, 2003
I am two weeks post op from an abdominoplasty and full lower body lift. I spent three nights in the hospital - my doc wanted me to stay a fourth, but I refused. Pre-op my doc told me I could drive at two weeks and I woud say that's just about right. I am taking a third week off, but more so becasue of my commute than the job itself. I walk, take the RR, and two subways - which adds up to four very long stairways - to my office with an intense crowd of people jostling me about. I don't think I am up to dealing with that. I am not in a great deal of pain, and haven't been since less than one week. But, I still have tinges of it from time to time and a lot of discomfort and irritation. Oh, I still have two of my four drains and quite long tubes hanging out of me. They are just a bit cumbersome except when I accidentally pull on one or catch the tube on something. Ouch! Bending down is a little rough. And sleeping in a bed is still hard for me. I've only done it twice and I can't seem to sleep through the night like this. But, other than that this recovery hasn't been THAT bad. I've gone shopping, out to dinner, and other short trips in the past week. One thing: Pre-op I asked my doc how long utnil sex. He said two weeks. That was yesterday and I don't feel like I am going to feel comfortable having sex for two months!! :)
   — PaulaM

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