Has anyone had an increase in heart palpitations/racing after surgery?

Over the past two years I've had heart palpitations that my cardiologist says is just my heart racing for no reason. Ever since my surgery (open long-limb RNY 10/31/02) my heart has been thumping around in there much more often. Has anyone else ever had this happen? Could it be because of the minimal calories I'm eating? I'm also diabetic and my numbers have been in better control than ever before so I also wonder if it could be because my sugar is lower. I've often felt better physically when the blood sugar was higher than normal so maybe that's it. Anyway, if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them. I've had two heart stress tests in the past two years (one right before surgery) and I was told they were perfect.    — Pamela R. (posted on January 9, 2003)

January 9, 2003
hi Pamela, you didn't say but have your potassium levels been checked. Sometimes too low on potassium makes you hbave palpations. Just a thought.
   — Delores S.

January 9, 2003
There are many reasons that a person will have palpitations. A 24 hr holter monitor will identify what you are experiencing. Woman tend to store hormones in their fat layers. When you have this surgery and the weight starts coming off quickly there is a definite change in the hormones. Some woman for the better, others it changes the cycle and yes you will feel palpitations. It is the same as going thru perimenopause. It is not life threatening, just very annoying. As the weight comes off more and more you will find that you experience it less and less. If it continues to the point where you can not stand it, then make an appointment with a cardiologist.
   — Sue A.

January 9, 2003
Hi Pam,I too am a diabetic and diabetics need to be extracautious with their hearts. I havent had surgery yet but, my heart would race ad my pulse was always around 120 bpm, and I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest. My ekg's were normal and I also went to a cardiologist that did a nuclear stress test and echo w/ dopplor and my heart was just fine. He diagnosed me as having tachacardia (rapid pulse) no big deal but he did put me on lopressor (metatarperol tartrate) and my heart is unnoticable now and my pulse is in the 80's and bp is normal too. since your concerned maybe you should see a cardiologist just to be sure, better to be safe than sorry. BTY good job on the weightloss
   — wizz46

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