Is this my gallbladder?

It started out just back pain. Now it feels like I have a rock sitting at the base of my breatbone and a dull pain goes up into my shoulder and back above the bra strap. I don't have it all the time. Mostly in the morning or late at night.    — Linda A. (posted on October 17, 2002)

October 17, 2002
Sounds like it could be your gall bladder, I had pain in the same spots you do and it went from dull then got worse. My gall bladder has since been removed and no more pain. It could be something else also i would have it checked by your doctor.
   — Tammy N.

October 17, 2002
It sounds like it could be to me. Mine started dull and became unbarable in short order. They can do an ultra sound and tell you for sure. Good Luck!~CM
   — Sassy M.

October 17, 2002
They'll probably do either a CT scan or an ultrasound. But some advice even if there are no signs of stones make sure they do something called a hydascan(sp?). It literally saved my life. Tests showed no signs of stones, but my gallbladder had totally shut down. By the time they got me into surgery, it had nearly ruptured. I guess you can die from a ruptured gallbladder. Not to scare you, but to warn you this is nothing to take lightly. The doctors kept dawdling because there were no signs of stones and in the end it wound up being an emergency. Good luck! Leigh
   — Leigh P.

October 17, 2002
Sounds like gall bladder to me! Pain right about where you imagine your ribs end. That was me! Go get this checked out!
   — Vicki R.

October 18, 2002
Sounds like it to me. I suffered for months. Don't do what I did. Go and get an ultra sound ASAP
   — sarah C.

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