I have been having pains that feel like a pulled muscle.

It started in my back but now has moved to my left chest. I can push on the muscles and feels like a bad bruise. I went to my doc and he said I had low potassium levels and started me on pills. Could that be it or has anyone had similar pains?    — Gary H. (posted on October 7, 2002)

October 8, 2002
Possible but it sure does'nt sound like my symtoms for low potassium. (Read my profile if you want to know more). Just make sure it is NOT time release! I'm also having back pains that are NOT from my back... perhaps kidney as my pain is in the lower right back. Stay on top of it! And make sure your potassium is NOT time release. I was taking it and it was'nt working. Now mine are not time release and I'm doing fine.
   — Danmark

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