Question for anyone having had a Micro-Pouch surgery.

I had surgery on May 9th. I have lost 50lbs, most o fwhich were lost while on an IV in the hospital a month ago because of complications. For the first two months I could barley eat a couple of bites, now I can eat quite a bit. I have gained back four lbs! Has anyone who has had this surgery gained back their weight? I was told that this surgery has NEVER had to be revised and that it CAN'T stretch. Is anyone dissapointed in their weight loss so far. I realize I have lost a lot more than I would have with a diet, but I NEVER thought or heard of the weight coming back. HELP!!! By the way, I do watch my diet. I eat as little sugar as possible, we all know it's practically impossible to get ALL sugars out, and I eat alot of salad and veggies. My main diet problem is bread. I can't seem to kick it completely, although I do eat way less than 80% of what I used to.    — Patricia H. (posted on August 9, 2002)

August 9, 2002
I had my micropouch done with Dr. Woods on April 15th. There has been a couple occasions where I gained 2 lbs. I was on track with my eating, protien and vitamins. I don't think you will continue to see a gain. Not all breads are bad for you and I doubt now that you are able to eat enough calories to keep gaining like we did as pre ops. I know that you stated you can take in more food. A weight gain doesn't necessarily mean you stretched your pouch. It could be your body changing to adjust to your new way of eating, it could be a variety of things, like gaining muscle, water retention, etc. I would say call the doc for reassurance, he will check if anything is wrong. Also, you were on an IV and lost most of your weight that way, maybe your body is trying to hold on to whatever you ate cause it was in starvation mode. I started to eat every couple of hours and made sure I drank water in between those, it totally kicked my metabolism up and has actually helped my weight loss too. I beleive you will be fine. Email me and let me know how you do. I wish you the best of luck and success!!!!!!!!!!!
   — stacey1273

May 10, 2005
Sorry to burst your bubble or anything but I was told the same thing and it's now three years later and I have gained back 47lbs of the 110 total lost. I'm gaining more everyday or so it seems! To be fair, I think I am partly gaining it back because I am trying to re-quit smoking, BUT, I too was told this was "unstretchable". My family is GLAD I am starting to gain the weight back because my skeletal frame at 120lbs scared them, but I didn't want to be over 140lbs and am now at 167. Good luck! If you have any other ?'s just ask!
   — Patricia H.

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