I am a tpe 2 diabetic without Insurance. Is there any insurance company who will

insure me and cover me having surgery or a program to help pay for ther surgery?    — Siseen C. (posted on July 31, 2002)

July 31, 2002
You need to call or check with your state insurance commission or an insurance agent and find out if your state mandates insurance companies to offer "high risk pool" insurance. I'm not from your state but even in my backwards state they require insurance companies to offer basic insurance to even high risk or "uninsurable" people. The catch to this for me in my state is that the policies offered were really lousey. Higher costs, higher deductables, covered very little it seemed, definately did not cover WLS. Anyhow, I believe what is mandated for the policy to include varies state to state as well so I'd definately do some checking. And by the way, Good Luck!
   — Shelly S.

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