I am 11 wks post op and am bruising easily.

I'm ending up with bruises on arms, legs, back, and dark circles under my eyes. If anyone has had this could you let me know your thoughts. Many thanks!    — AJC750 (posted on June 17, 2002)

June 17, 2002
I am bruising very easily also, I have several bruises on my arms, legs, everywhere!! I was thinking its a vitamin deficincy, but im not sure.
   — rebecca N.

June 17, 2002
Hi...I am 1 month pre op but when I was having that a few years ago my Doctor told me to increse my vitamin C.
   — Kelly P.

June 17, 2002
The first thing that occurs to me is Vit C, as was said. But then, iron. Iron is a little harder to fix, but doable. When you mention this to your doc, has he offered to check your iron levels?
   — vitalady

June 17, 2002
This happened to my daughter and me about 2-3 months post-op RNY. Our surgeon told us to add an additional 500 milligrams of Vitamin C to our daily vitamin supplementation, and the bruising disappeared. I don't have an explanation, but it's worth a worked for us :-)
   — Diana T.

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