Does this sound like a hernia?

The area surrounding my belly button is extremely tender and is even painful at times. It has healed great (no infection), but it especially hurts when I bend or get up from a laying down position. Hernias are common with my father (after his operations), so I am just wondering if this is an incisional hernia? This scares me because my dad has had sooo many hernia operations that they recently had to put a screen in his stomach to hold everything in!    — Patricia H. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 7, 2002
I had a few VERY tender spots right up until the last week or so (I am now 6 weeks post-op). I think we have to remember that most of us heal faster on the outside. I had one spot that felt like I pulled an internal stitch. I was quite painful especially if I bent down or twisted the wrong way. But of course, that's just my opinion. If it continues to be bothersome, call the Doc. Good Luck!
   — pam29922

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