How is the decision made as to what type of bypass surgery you will undergo?

I uderstand the speed of the weight loss and its permanence depends on wheter the surgeon selects distal or proximal bypass.    — Susan A. (posted on May 19, 2002)

May 19, 2002
Some docs offer a one-size-fits-all model. That is the one they do. Period. My docs customize to fit, after much discussion.
   — vitalady

May 20, 2002
My surgeon also customizes the surgery to the patient but you have to decide which surgery is best for you! I was given all the information on the types of surgery. Then was told to go home and do more research on each. When I went back to the surgeon I had to tell him which one I wanted and convince him why it was the best for me. Many surgeons only do one type of surgery with variations. They will not tell you there are other choices out there. It takes money out of their pockets! Research well and be sure which is best for you.
   — grammie5

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