I am 5 days post-op BPD and so full I keep belching up from previous meals.

My doctor wants me to stay on liquids until I see him on the 14th of May and I can only drink a few sips and I feel to full to drink anymore. Yet I have to get in my water and protein drinks. Then I keep belching up what I had the day before. Is this normal at this early stage?    — Gary H. (posted on May 4, 2002)

May 4, 2002
You should be able to sip small quantities at a time at 5 days post-op, but remember, your new pouch is still healing and swollen and it won't tolerate much. You pretty much have to be sipping on liquids constantly at this stage in order to get all of your fluids in. But, don't worry, if at first you can't get 64 ounces in every day. It will become easier very soon. I never consumed more then 1 or 2 ounces at a meal for several days post-op. And, I did experience acid reflux and some indigestion for up to 4 months post-op. I belched as well and even now when I have eaten my fill, I get sort of the hiccups for about 10 mintues after I have eaten. My Doctor said this was all normal and was nothing to be concerned about. Now I consume about 8 ounces per meal, am still taking in less then 1,000 calories a day and I am down 110# at 6 months post-op. If you are still having problems when you see your Doctor 14 days post-op, then would be the time to discuss it with him.
   — Susan M.

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