Are you happy being so limited on food post op?

My surgery date is two weeks from today. I am getting scared! I can't picture myself or anyone being happy everday with the limitations post op. I have obviously always been a big eater, I can't picture life post op.    — Linda A. (posted on April 25, 2002)

April 25, 2002
For me? I'm 16-days out and I'm frustrated as hell with the limitations of eating. I was on a liquid diet the first 10 days (9 after surgery and 1 day pre op) which consisted of broth, jello & popcicles. It didn't bother me the first 6 days, like the other poster said, I had to force myself to drink or eat. On day 7 though - it got a bit tougher and I truly believe if I would have had at least a full liquid diet earlier, I would have had more energy. Each doctor seems to be different with their gastric bypass diet - my diet is listed on my profile. I'm now in the full liquid diet stage (soups were added, along with protein and other 'soupy' items) and I'm getting sick of those too. Every single commercial on television seems to be about food. I am dying for a piece of toast or something light w/substance - I don't even need the butta !! haha - scheeze - I'd be lying if I didn't admit to it being tough, at least for me. Everyone keeps saying that the first month is the hardest and that life gets better and after I can move to puree'd foods, I might actually feel a fullness. I'm looking ahead. Anyone who says this surgery is a breeze or an easy way out is not playing with a full deck. It's a lot to get adjusted to and I am looking forward to the day when I can honestly say "it was worth it".
   — Lisa J.

April 25, 2002
I do not ever feel hungry and I have to make myself eat quite often -- I am really happy on this change :-)))) I also eat more healthy
   — sallie P.

April 25, 2002
Initially I wasn't happy. I found the change difficult. Lately though, I've been thinking about how much more I ENJOY food since the surgery. It no longer rules me. I use to be a BIG eater, but was not really enjoying the food, just the experiance of stuffing large volumes of it in to satisfy whatever need that was. That need has gone away. Now I eat more of a variety than I ever did. Before, I would never buy certain things because I was "dieting". Now that I'm in control, I allow myself to try more things because I know I can do it in moderation. I don't know if I'm explaining this well, but your relationship with food changes, and for me, it's BETTER!
   — mom2jtx3

April 25, 2002
Hi Linda, I am now 5wks post-op (LAP RNY). I feel great with the limited amount of food I eat. I eat mini meals about 4-6x a day. I am NEVER hungry and that is how I wanted it to be. My energy level is soaring and I'm losing weight& inches, what else could a gal ask for! Best wishes on your journey. ~ Debbie
   — Deborah F.

April 25, 2002
Linda, I am almost 4 months post op and this surgery is the best thing I have ever done for myself. The first 3-4 weeks are alittle hard because you are on liquid and a soft diet. But now I can eat anything! I thought I would not beable to eat most thing but I can. I have been very lucky I haven't dumped at all. I do have sugar in my coffee in the morning just on cup. The nice thing is that we don't eat alot and keep losing weight ,I have lost 50 lbs already and I feel GREAT!!! Good Luck with you surgery I'll be praying for you.
   — Bonnie S.

April 25, 2002
I agree with L.J. I am sooo wanting to sink my teeth into something. I am 8 days out and have been on a full liquid diet since the third day of surgery. I prepare meals for my 4 sons and have to remind myself that I can't sneak a piece of anything for fear of "dumping". Things I really didn't eat before the surgery are looking scrumptious. I just remind myself that On my plan from my dr. I will be able to sit at the table with my family at the end of three months post op. I came home on liquids, then I go to blended(pureed foods) after two weeks. After my six week checkup I can begin a "soft diet" (meatloaf,tuna salad,cheese,baked fish,eggs,canned fruit or pureed). I have to follow this for 6 weeks and then I can go to regular meals again as I can tolerate them, but, in much smaller portions. I was told eventually my stomach pouch will hold 2 cups of food. Much smaller than the stretched stomach I began with. I just keep dreaming of the day when I get something more solid than cream of wheat in me. God Bless and Good Luck!
   — Jennifer F.

April 25, 2002
Hi, Linda. I am 1 month 18 days post op. I have lost 66 lbs. so far. I had the same thoughts as you did. Now I only eat one meal and a few snacks a day. I drink a lot but do not feel hungry and when I do I eat. Granted the meal is anything I want but limited because many thinks either don't appeal to me anymore or make me sick. I am thrilled with these results so far as I used to eat every waking moment and ate meals that were just out of hand. it gets easier day to day post op and BETTER TOO! Good Luck!
   — Glenn M.

April 25, 2002
as someone that is almost 4months out i will say that i am eating a bowl of chili right now .i eat chicken tuna turkey beef cooked vegs all kinds of foods ;i don't do sodas of any type and i use splenda for my sweetner and drink home made protein shakes a couple a day and i feel wonderful have lost 72 lbs and i even had a fish tail with cole slaw on a plate day before yesterday. after surgery you don't look at food the same way . you really change your whole out look. and i am off 5 suger pills and 2 shots a day too,
   — Mary H.

April 25, 2002
Hi, I just want to say that it will be very difficult for the first few weeks. I had my surgery last July and thought I had read enough and researched enough, that I knew what to expect. I didn't. It's almost as if you go through a grieving period for the food. Everyone around me was eating all this good food, and I couldnt. It really bothered me. I was thinking that I made the wrong decision. Anyway after a while, once I was able to eat some real food, things got a lot better. And at 9 months out, I dont miss much at all. It is definitely a big adjustment, but you will get through it. The first few weeks/months are difficult at times. I wish you luck and e-mail me if you ever need someone to talk about it with.
   — Cory F.

April 25, 2002
Linda, 7 months ago I was obviously a big eater too :) Most of the time I don't mind being limited, actually I like being limited or I would gorge myself. There are times I DO wish I could eat more. I would like to be able to eat with my company (family or friends, home or out), which I do, but fill up on just a few bites and have to sit there watching them eat for half an hour longer. I get a little antsy just sitting there and wonder if it makes them feel uncomfortable. I am also not completely comfortable with ordering food yet, I've gotten almost paranoid about my nutrients and don't want to order anything that isn't good for me. At home, I'm fine for the most part. I snack 2-3 times a day and eat whatever I cook for supper, but I know that's healthy :) It's not always easy, but I am much happier, much healthier, and much more attentive to what goes in my mouth. I would do it all over again, and I think you will be able to say that too. Congratulations on your upcoming date!
   — DonnaCarol

April 25, 2002
What do you mean limited?! I am 3 months post op (as of yesterday, and down 70 lbs) and don't miss any food! I can eat everything, within reason of course as to portion size. I don't do so well with beef (other than ground beef), but I didn't care for beef prior to surgery, so that's no big deal. I do have a small prob with raw broccoli and carrots, but that is getting better as I progress. My big fall was carbs (bread and pasta), and now I don't crave them AT ALL and if I do, ONE bite does me since they make me feel bloated. It's wierd how your tastes change literally overnight. The liquid phase was hard, but 2 weeks of misery is worth feeling great! Good luck!
   — Paula Prichard

April 25, 2002
I'm 7 weeks post op, eating regualr food. It's not bad at all. All I can say is having the surgery is harder than any diet anyone has ever been on. If you overeat the pain is really horrid. As far as limitations? I can pretty much eat anything as long as I chew really well but I have stayed away from sugars totally. Some foods you eat just don't seem the same unless you can pig out on them. I tried chinese for the first time recently and it just wasn't the same. I already look at food differently now. I used to scarf chinese food, eating ungodly amounts of the greasy stuff but now, it's just not as good because I can't eat the huge quantities. I know it might sound funny. The gluttony never goes away, you just learn to control it. Don't let anyone tell you that you will never be hungry again. You will still feel hungry, the hunger is just not as strong and satisfied with a smaller amount. Also, you still will crave your favorite foods, they just won't even seem worth it, not being able to gorge yourself on them. Hope I didn't offend anyone just my honest opinion. Take care.
   — Angie B.

April 25, 2002
I would like to thank everyone for responding. You have made me feel much better!
   — Linda A.

April 25, 2002
Linda, 7 months ago I was obviously a big eater too :) Most of the time I don't mind being limited, actually I like being limited or I would gorge myself. There are times I DO wish I could eat more. I would like to be able to eat with my company (family or friends, home or out), which I do, but fill up on just a few bites and have to sit there watching them eat for half an hour longer. I get a little antsy just sitting there and wonder if it makes them feel uncomfortable. I am also not completely comfortable with ordering food yet, I've gotten almost paranoid about my nutrients and don't want to order anything that isn't good for me. At home, I'm fine for the most part. I snack 2-3 times a day and eat whatever I cook for supper, but I know that's healthy :) It's not always easy, but I am much happier, much healthier, and much more attentive to what goes in my mouth. I would do it all over again, and I think you will be able to say that too. Congratulations on your upcoming date!
   — DonnaCarol

April 25, 2002
Linda on the average, I actually forget I even had surgery nine months ago. I'm only limited in quantity. I can eat anything and everything, I just don't, but if I'm in the mood for a sweet treat, I have it. It's not bad at all. My family has modified their eating habits totally due to me. We need healthier and love it
   — Tammy W.

April 25, 2002
LIMITED????? I eat anything and everything. I just eat it in moderation. I am almost 7 months out. Yesterday,I was dying for a ice cream sandwhich, So I stopped by Krogers and bought a box, I even ate 2 of them, now I know alot of you are saying, oh my god, but I feel like this. I am still human, and I still want things. I know that they are a little fattening. 7 grams of fat, but it also has protein, and I only ate 2 and that will last me for awhile. Preop I would have eaten the whole box and wanted more. lol. I try and watch what I eat usually, but when I am wanting something, everything I try and replace that item with just don't hit the spot. So I figured why not have what I want and help myself along the way. Good luck and god speed. OPEN RNY BTC of OHIO, 10/4/01 -85lbs!!!!!!
   — TONYA B.

April 25, 2002
I consider it more of being liberated from food instead of being limited. I am almost 8 weeks post-op and am no longer a slave to food. I used to eat and eat and eat, and never felt satisfied. Now it is almost a miricle that I can eat just a small amount, and feel more satisfied than I ever did before. I was worried about the same thing, but it is really strange how your desire to eat changes. Good luck.
   — Dell H.

April 25, 2002
I can eat anything I want. Read my profile. I believe in anything in moderation. Like others pre op I would of eaten a whole box of whatever, know just a little of fattening foods. I admit at 179 I have relaxed about eating and dont want to loose any more. BMI 25. I dont feel deprived, just HAPPY! See my profile.
   — bob-haller

April 25, 2002
i dont feel that i am limited at all! i was raised to eat everything put on my plate (in consideration of the children who were starving in china). upon discharging me from the hospital, my surgeons words of 'eat anything u want as long as its pureed, high in protein, sugar free, low fat & low carbs' were the sweetest words i could have hoped to hear. i pureed EVERYTHING! thats not to say that i was able to tolerate everything, but, learning how to live a new life after wls is trial & error. i am 4 mos out now & have learned, for the most part, what i can & cant eat as far as tolerance is concerned, but, i still try the problem foods again in about a month to see if i am still intolerant of it. if i had to say i was 'limited' it would have to be that i am limited to eating healthy now.
   — sheryl titone

April 25, 2002
I'm with Dell. I am LIBERATED from the bondage of food. I do avoid milk & sugar, but that is not a big deal to me, as I also am able to skip pants that are too tight and that sinking sensation when something just doesn't fit any more. My wt has been stable for many years at the bottom end of my wt range, so it's HARDLY a sacrifice to get what I want. Other than that, I eat what I want, small portions, several per day. I'm WAY more satisfied than I EVER was when I could eat unlimited everythings in large portions. My brain has finally stopped itching.
   — vitalady

June 18, 2002
Don't worry about it, because your appetite will change completly. There wasn't anything before I would not eat!! Post-op is a healing stage. The hardest for me was the 3 days in hospital with no liquids, but that passed. After 2 wks. I tried chopped boiled eggs, and they were disguisting.The creamed soups are my favorites in the selection now and tomato juice. You will be surprised in that you will not desire those other foods for quite sometime.
   — Jean B.

June 25, 2005
I feel I should have never done this, at times, I always hated throwing up and now just one little bite can send me to the bathroom and it all comes out. I hate the foamy stuff, oh my God! I once happened on my way home, a 45minute drive, and I had to stop so I could get the foamy stuff out of my stomach. Very disgusting to me.
   — Lily2001

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