I am 5 mos. post-op and still have trouble getting in all the protein.

Is any one else still doing the slim-fast with soy as a major part of protein intake ? I find it easier to get in than eating meat. I just can't seem to fit 60-65 grams of protein into my daily diet without the supplement.Does this change as the time goes by or will I still be drinking protein in a year from now ?    — Connie Z. (posted on March 19, 2002)

March 18, 2002
I am also 5 months out, actually closer to 6. I am having some protein troubles also. I thought that the slim fast had a lot of sugar in it so I can't do it. I was told to eat alot of cheese and a lot of meat. I like meat but it is hard to eat so much. My protein goal is 71. That is alot of protein. Especially if you find sometimes that there are only 24 hours in a day lol. Seriously, I sometimes drink High protein hot chocolate. It isnt bad and it goes down easily. I wish to god I could have a glass of chocolate milk, but alas to much sugar..... Oh well would rather the weight be gone and be much thinner than to have all the chocolate milk in the world!! lol. Good luck and god bless. Open RNY 10/4-73lbs, Columbus Ohio, Bariatric Treatment Centers.
   — TONYA B.

March 18, 2002
Hi Connie, Couldn't resist answering you. Have you tried cottage cheese and tuna for breakfast? Half of a hamburger and a glass of milk a little later. Both are over 20 grams of protein. For lunch I sometimes buy the small Healthy Choice, Stouffers, etc. meals and just eat the protein and a little bit of the veggies. Most of them have over 20 grams of protein in them. That leaves 20 grams for dinner. Almost any of the seafood, meat, chicken etc, will equal that much. If I am low on protein for the day, I will have a few crackers with peanut butter in the evening or a glass of milk with CIB with no sugar added. If you eat six small meals, eat some nuts, shrimp, cheese etc. Of course, all this is assuming you are not lactose intolerant. That would make it a little more difficult. I've found I need to think outside the norms for meals. Breakfast can be anything that will help me get the protein in. See ya later!
   — grammie5

March 18, 2002
Shakes, shakes, shakes!!! I do 3 a day for a total of 87.5 grams. I am 9 mos post and down 115 pounds. I also get protein from food, but I don't count that due to how protein is metabolized in the body. Try finding a shake that has no sugar and low carbs. I use ProBlend 55 Mocha Cappucino with 4 oz water, a splash (only a splash!) of lactaid skim milk, a dash of hazelnut coffee creamer, and 500 mg of calcium (from a vitalady pill). Delicious and good for you! Good luck and God bless!
   — Kimberly L.

March 19, 2002
The nutritionist advised me before surgery that Met-Rz Plus Protein bars are a wonderful source of protein. I like the chocalte fudge but they make different flavors. She said to eat in 1/3 pieces over the day. There are 270 calories and 32 grams of protein for an entire bar. I also have heard that whey protein shakes are the best for us rny's. I occasionally have a protoplex Lite chocalate shake or a vanilla shake with frozen strawberries. (mixed with water in a blender).I buy the shakes from Vitamin World and the bars from Vitamin Shoppe. These are two sources that I personally use. But the bars are so tasty I have to force myself to have only 1 a day. But they are tempting. Hope this helps.
   — janicediana

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