I am having my surgery in 2 weeks and I can't seem to stop eating so much.

I have been trying to cut down on my eating to lose weight before I have surgery and I can't seem to control it at times. I am starting to walk to get my lungs built up and there have been days that I am able to really concentrate on my eating. Lately, I feel like I am out of control. Anyone else had this problem just before surgery? I don't want to gain any more weight. Thanks    — marcia W. (posted on February 16, 2002)

February 16, 2002
I too am dealing with the same issue. My surgery is in one week, and this horrible eating phase has been going on ofr about 2. I'm just trying to taste what I crave, instead of eating a lot. Also trying to exercise more. I think my mind's in the mode of "you won't eat this again" which isn't true but who knows? Just deal with it as you can. I've gained 3 lbs which to me isn't a big deal. =) Sarah
   — Sarah C.

February 16, 2002
I had to lose weight to prove I could follow the post diet but my final appointment was three weeks before my sugery and in those three weeks I ate out at my favorite restaurants and gained 3 pounds but they didn't weigh me at the hospital. The exercise is probably more important to make sure your heart is strong.
   — Candace F.

February 16, 2002
I had to lose weight to prove I could follow the post diet but my final appointment was three weeks before my sugery and in those three weeks I ate out at my favorite restaurants and gained 3 pounds but they didn't weigh me at the hospital. The exercise is probably more important to make sure your heart is strong. I have had very little cravings are desire to eat since the surgery 4 weeks ago.
   — Candace F.

February 16, 2002
I have to say that I ate a tremendous amount before my surgery. I had to wait a month and a half and every day I tried to diet but every day I ate more and more. I think it is the stress of having the surgery and knowing that you will not be able to eat like that again. I gained 10 pounds - I had previously been on the atkins diet so I just stuffed my face with anything that had carbs. My doctor had said not to gain weight before the surgery, but I did and he never said anything about it. Don't beat yourself up to much over it.
   — Michele M.

February 16, 2002
STOP it right now! I ate like a piggy the week before my surgery and ended up in the hospital for 9 days after my LAP RNY! Yes you read that right... 9 DAYS! I had so much gas and crap trapped in my intestines they shut down and I had to stay put until everything was moving along properly. I was scared to death that things werent going to start up again as they were talking about SURGERY if it didnt start up soon. I just about went under the knife again because of my stupidity in cramming everything in my mouth that was within reach pre op. DONT DO IT. There, did I scare you straight? Anyway, you can eat everything once you lose the weight anyway... there really isnt anything that is gone forever... when you are thin you can have a bite or two of anything you want. I was such an idiot eating all that food. But I didnt know at the time. If I didnt gain 15 pounds pre op I would be 15 pounds closer to goal right now!
   — SusanMaria

February 16, 2002
Since I'm a very distant pre-op, I can't comment on this personally, but you asked if others have gone through the same thing. They have--so many that I've seen it referred to here as "last supper syndrome." So if it helps at all, you're definitely not alone.
   — Kristy S.

February 16, 2002
I ate whatever I thought I wanted before my surgery. It didn't seem to hurt me at all. My doctor requires a bowel prep the night before surgery, but I got to miss that treat because I was supposed to get the magnesium citrate at my pre-op appointment the day before surgery and it was cancelled because of a "freak" snowstorm. I ate anything up to the day before the surgery - then had only clear liquids til surgery - no problem at all. I was on clear liquids til I left the hospital - then on full liquids for a week - then soft diet.
   — Patty_Butler

February 16, 2002
I ate like crazy before the surgery, because I was so afraid I would feel deprived after. What I didn't realize is that I wouldn't be even remotely hungry until month 6 ... and by then, I would be able to eat fairly normally anyway. Remind yourself that you're not saying goodbye to food altogether; you're just taking a reprieve for a while to improve your health. Hopefully, if you get out of your "all-or-nothing" mentality, you will be able to lose the weight you want before surgery. It truly will make things easier. I wish I had done it.
   — Terissa R.

February 16, 2002
Susan didn't you have to do the bowel prep and be on clear liquids for 24 hours before surgery?
   — [Anonymous]

February 24, 2002
I was going through the same emotions, and was going to have a food splurge. My hubby took me for a great meal last night, and I have spent the whole morning in the bathroom being ill. I have decided to just have one favorite a week, and then the week before my doctor has asked that I be on all protein liquids so that my liver will shrink for surgery. I know this is going to be a very difficult time for me also. Take care, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
   — Janice H.

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