I am so confused. I read where some people say we do not absorb fats.

One person says we dont absorb fats(RNYs)some say we do . Who is right? Also I read people saying they dont count calories anymore.    — Connie Z. (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
Instead of believing me, please run down to your local library and check out a physiology book. A good one will list the deficiencies noted with the loss of use of the stomach, duodenum & jejunum (which is all RNY). Protein, iron, calcium, vits A, D, E (fat solubles), zinc & B12, ALONG with some fats/oils (hence the loss of your ADE) and complex carbs. Not 100% loss, some still is absorbed in the common channel, but of these items, you can never get 100% from food again. But PLEASE, check it yourself so your mind rests easy.
   — vitalady

February 1, 2002
Yes, we MALabsorb fats along with other things, including vital nutrients. That is why I don't understand why so many on this board eat fat free stuff. And by the way, many fat free food items contain MORE sugar than the regular product to make up for the taste lost because of the fat removal!! Don't buy low fat or fat free mayo or dressing, they add sugar. Be aware.
   — Cheri M.

February 1, 2002
Quit listening to everyone's opinion and go to the library and do a search on books on Nutrition and Physiology. You'd be surprised what you can learn. "Nutrition for Dummies" is a good start. Read that and you'll be hungry (pun intended) for more info. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

February 2, 2002
I want to say that in the strictest sense, no I don't count calories like I used to. I am more concerned with keeping track of protein grams. If you strive for your 60+ grams of protein per day and add a few veggies here and there you don't have to worry about calories. You can't totally ignore them either, but as a general rule it is not as important. AS for fat, no we don't absorb it nearly like we used to. I totally agree with Cheri's post. FAT FREE IS A NO-NO! My surgeon said that all that sugar in fat free items is a definite bad thing. It would make many of us 'dump' and we dont' need that sugar anyways. Good luck and get in touch with me if you want to talk.
   — purdue_1993

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