I see this on here a lot.... What is a DH?

In many postings people will say they talked with their DH or their DH did something. What is a DH? I'm trying to get into the aconyms. : ) Andrea    — AJC750 (posted on November 28, 2001)

November 28, 2001
I didn't know either but I search the library and found that it is Darling Husband. I have the best DH anyone could ever ask for.
   — Kelly C.

November 28, 2001
DH means, Dear Husband......or it could mean Darn Husband, depending on the day of the month and whether he picked up his "socks" off the bathroom floor, LOL. In my case....its my dear husband, Timmy, who is so supportive of my decision on having this surgery....He is the best!
   — lesleeloo

November 28, 2001
It varies on who you ask, but the most common way I've seen it is darling husband... and I sure do have a dh:)
   — Becky K.

November 28, 2001
It means "Dear Husband" or "Dick Head" depending on what mood you're in. (LOL)
   — blank first name B.

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