Do you know how much it dissapoints us when your photo is not there?

I know there are some that have to stay anonymous for some reason or 'nuther. But i (and many others) want you to know how disspointed we are when we hear your wonderful success stories, then click to see your profile and the let down when there is no photo!!!! How those photos encourage us. If its that you don't know how contact the staff!!! But think it over and do your best to encourage us by posting those wondeful photos!!! thanks    — Jackiis (posted on November 16, 2001)

November 15, 2001
I totally agree,I am new to the surgery but already have my photo on its way to kricket.I know I will be excited to show my after photo.If you dont know how to do it just click on the photos and it will tell you step by step. Also I think an updated photo for alot of the people would be great.
   — [Anonymous]

November 15, 2001
Jackie, you are so right. I haven't posted any pics. And I am the first one looking at the before/after and new addition pics. Amazing. I can respect people's right to want to remain anonymous but I guess I could put up a pic. I don't know why I'm so hesitant! Thanks for the prompting though.
   — Kimberly L.

November 15, 2001
I agree completely. I'm always the first one to be disappointed when there are no photos....and mine isn't there either! It's not that I don't want to put it up. I have a pre-op and a 2 month and a 5 month photo all on my digital camera, with the intent of putting them up. Unfortunately my home computer is on the bunk and I have to get it fixed so I can connect my camera and download them. But I still want to give my apologies! On the same matter though, I don't really understand how the photos get where they are and labeled the way they are. Just looking at the photo instructions doesn't explain this to me. For instance, I notice the thumbnails on the message board don't always match the photos on one's profile. And I'm wondering if I submit my photos for my profile, will they automatically be put in the before and after? I really don't want this because I think of them more as "before and during". I don't want someone to look at the during in the before and after section and think "gosh...she could lose more". So...that's just some of my thoughts on the matter. I will try to reconcile my computer problem post haste however. ;)
   — Tracy L.

November 15, 2001
I fail to see how a picture could be any more encouraging than our words. As for names....anyone can post under any "name" they many times as they want. You don't really believe that you really "know" someone because they post as "Jane Jones" as opposed to "Anonymous" you? Be grateful for the many written messages that folks post offering support, information and guidance. Be it anonymous or with a name attached. Some of us are more private than others and we certainly are not required that to do something that makes us uncomfortable just to satisfy someone else's curiosity. I certainly know how to post a picture , I just choose not to!!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

November 16, 2001
I love people's pictures too and always check them out. It's SO exciting to see the changes!! If you have a digital camera (or a friend with one) it's easy to get photos to put up here, and not too hard to add/change them either. Here's how:<ol><li>Just take the digital photos and save them on the computer as JPG or JPEG files (.jpg extension).<li>Go to <a href="" target="_blank">Webshots</a> and create a free account and photo album for yourself.<li>Upload your photo(s) there.<li>Click on the thumbnail (small) photo to get it to display the image full-size.<li>Right-click on the full size photo and then click Properties.<li>Copy and paste the ENTIRE line in the Address (URL) field. My before picture, which is stored on Webshot, Address field is, as an example.<li>Now go to the Update your Profile section and click on Profile Color and Photos.<li>Click in the URL box, and then right-click and choose Paste.<li>Add a caption and your weight when that photo was taken, and you're almost done!<li>Click Update my File, then click View my Profile. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and your photo should appear!</ol>This sounds really complicated, but it's actually pretty simple. I try to update my photos every week or two so I've done it a lot, and can probably help you if you get stuck. Feel free to email me.<p>As for the little pictures that appear on the update page, the best way to get those made is to open one of your photos in Paint and then use the box tool to select a 100 x 100 pixel part of the image (your face, obviously). If that's smaller than your face, use the Stretch/Skew menu choice under Image to change the size of your image; make sure you do the same amount horizontally as vertically to keep from distorting the image! Once you have a good 100 x 100 chunk in the dotted-line box, choose Copy from the Edit menu, then choose New from the File menu, then choose Paste from the Edit menu. If the image area is larger than your face, go to the Image menu and choose Attributes. Change the image size to 100 x 100 pixels. Then save your face with a new name and <a href="mailto:[email protected]">email Kricket</a>, asking her nicely to add your face to your profile. That's it!! Have fun with photos, everyone! :-)
   — Julia M.

November 16, 2001
I'm overwhelmed with all the wonderful responses. Thanks I'm printing them out!!!!
   — Jackiis

November 16, 2001
Ohhhhh mr ms anonymous. ITS VERY SIMPLE...IF YOU DONT WANT TO POST YOUR PHOTO DONT. No one is the photo police!!! But as a friend once said I'D RATHER SEE A SERMON THAT HEAR ONE ANY DAY!!!! And simply...its like art!!! Heavy or Skinny Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...and i havnt seen an "ugly" person on here yet!!! :)
   — [Anonymous]

November 18, 2001
I'd love to post a few photos. Would you send me the money for a scanner?
   — Melissa S.

November 19, 2001
You can go to K-mart or Wal-mart and scan photos with the Kodak machine onto a disk there for about $6 for 5 pics.
   — Andrew R.

November 9, 2003
I would love to post a photo, but deciding which one is the problem. Lately, at my highest weight (I am pre-pre-op) I have not been allowing myself to be photographed. But I will try to get some out there, cuz I am a looker!
   — Danyelle K.

November 9, 2003
I don't know about posting pictures but I think it is EXTREMELY importantr to have pre op pictures and measurements recorded because the farther out you get you will want to be able to see the changes. Wish I had done this
   — snicklefritz

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