what are chelated vitamins

I just read where this person was told that we need to take chelated vitamins wrapped in minerals. Haven't heard this before. Does any one have any information on this?    — Nancy S. (posted on October 29, 2001)

October 29, 2001

   — Phiddy B.

October 29, 2001
Most nutruients are absorbed in the first part of our intestine..Duadln (can't spell, but you know what I mean.) RNY patients have that part of the intestines by passed. So................... For mineral supplements, chelated minerals are formed when minerals such as calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, cobalt and others become surrounded by and bonded to amino acids. The chelated process greatly enhances the absorption of minerals into the body system. Only in food does chelation occur naturally. Chelation is a natural means of the body to transport minerals across the intestinal wall as part of digestion. I take chelated vitamins faithfully, and only chelated!
   — [Anonymous]

October 29, 2001
Phyllis.....I really think Nancy wanted to know in layman's nice that you responded but......c'mon now. THANKS to the first anonymous poster!
   — [Anonymous]

October 30, 2001
This is Phyllis, I am and was the anonymous poster and the Technical poster. Come on, some of us do want to know how it works....... not just "well it does something to make you absorb better". Gheesh, some of us can understand all this Einstein stuff on the web. Sorry if I confused you. The second anonymos post was for you. I notice your smart remark was posted anonymously......... That says alot.
   — Phiddy B.

August 13, 2003
Thanks for the details Phyllis. I like to read the Einstein stuff. I have been worried about vitamin absorbtion. Thanks :)
   — redzz04

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