What are people looking forward to?

I looked for this type of question and thought it would be kind of fun to see what people plan on buying for themselves and doing once they lose the weight. I want to get a leather jacket. I also want some cargo pants. I am considering a tatoo. I would like to learn how to ride horses and go rollerblading. Next year I hope to go on all the rides at the fair. Let me know what you are looking forward to okay :)    — Lois M. (posted on August 22, 2001)

August 22, 2001
Good question! :) I'm looking forward to wearing great jeans, like Wranglers, instead of these fatlady jeans I have to buy. I want a leather jacket, too. I think the biggest thing I'm looking forward to, though, is being able to be physically active again. I want to be able to join the women's softball league and be able to go bowling without paying for it later with lots of pain. Inside this huge body is a jock just screaming to get out and play. I already have the tattoo :) I think I'll get another, though, as a post-surgery gift to myself.
   — A H.

August 22, 2001
Thanks for asking this fun question! I can't wait to wear a little pair of Tommy Hillfiger jeans w/ a Tommy t-shirt. (I'm young . . .) Can't wait to wear cute bras and undies, and other sexy lingerie for my hubby :) Can't wait til he can pick me up and toss me over his shoulder. I want to buy lots and lots of clothes, learn golf, tennis, racquetball, go on a tropical vacation with my husband and wear a teany weany itsy bitsy bikini!!! And a thong would be nice. LOL ! Best of all, I can't wait to FEEL GOOD AND HAVE ENERGY!!! Can't wait - having LAP RNY on 9/21 !
   — Melissa B.

August 22, 2001
Thanks for helping the time pass with a fun question and encouraging thoughts. My husband runs marathons and I have never been able to run. He runs for miles, I just want to be able to run up the street, of course I would love to run long distances. I want to in-line skate, play tennis with my husband, swim more than 1 lap at the pool without getting winded and sucking in water. I want to set a good example for my kids with being active, and them follow in that direction. I want to go to the mall and be able to choose from a huge selection of clothing. They have such cute clothes for the smaller people. That sounds like so much more fun than going into the department stores and 'searching' or having to ask where the Womens section is. I want to look better in a bathing suit. I don't expect to wear a bikini, although it would be nice. I want pretty bras and panties like from Victorias Secret. I have never shopped there. I would like to walk into an upscale clothing store without feeling paranoid that the ladies aren't rolling their eyes and snickering about a fat woman in their store. I want to sit in the movie seats without my hips 'running into' the arm/cup holder and be able to sit comfortably anywhere. I want to tuck in a shirt and show off my butt, not hide it. I want to have sexual relations without an 'earthquake' or just being ashamed of my body, I want to come out of this shell and be who I truly am meant to be.
   — Cheri M.

August 22, 2001
I can tell you right now that I won't be getting any tatoo's but the leather jacket does sound nice. I think the thing I most look forward to is being active with my girls. I want to ride the roller coasters again and enjoy the bike rides with them. Of course the clothes are a great perk. I to feel that when you go into a store or look at the smaller clothes that they snicker and wonder what your doing there. I can't even look at clothes for my niece without feeling ackward. Oh, can't forget the shower with the hubby, it's been awhile since I've felt comfortable enough to do that, I miss it. Yeah, are we all excited or what?
   — Kelly C.

August 22, 2001
Lois, What a question! I'm surprised no one thought of asking that before. Well right off hand I can think of a few things. One, is I dream of learning how to do "Irish Dancing"! This is the dance that Catholics came up with in Ireland. Dancing was a sin so they kept their hands to their sides (no upper body movement) and just move their feet. (That way if a priest went by their window they wouldn't know they were dancing). Lol! Anyway it looks like they are doing a country clod dance. It's the coolest thing I've ever seen. But my knees are full of arthritis and are just plain shot. So I'm probably looking at a double knee replacement and don't know if afterward they could stand the stress of dancing any kind of dance. However I'm holding on to my dream! My family thinks I'm crazy for wanting this. Anyway, now I've got to find someplace that teaches it So far no luck. ;) Another thing I dream of is going overboard on real "Macho clothes". Leather boots, drover coats, anything macho. Also REGULAR FIT jeans! This weight has "emasculated" me for over 22 years. I put most of the weight on my A@@, hips and thighs. (Look at my web page and you will see). It hurts to share it but it seems only fair. Perhaps it will give others hope. Anyway you have no idea how painful it is to go in a restaurant with your elderly Mom and they say, "how are you ladies?" Now I have a mustache and sideburns, but it STILL happens! Once I answered back with my "deepest voice" and embarrassed her good. I got even. ;) Another thing is I would like to get a recumbent bike (maybe a recumbent trike) and do some long distance bike riding. Would like to hike trails as I did as a kid. Also I haven't bowled since 1983 when I weighed 176 and almost couldn't do it then. Yes, and a tatoo of a Ram or Eagle would be nice too. Maybe Annie could tell me a little about that. ;) Another thing I would like to do is to go shirtless without embarrassment. It would be wonderful to go out in public and not have to pull my shirt down to "try" to cover my fat A@@, maybe even to look at "it" in the mirror without being revolted. Sure would be great if sometime I could hear some woman say I have a cute butt. Lol. Probably will never happen but one can always dream. So the Irish Dancing and Macho clothes are my main dreams. Sure would be nice to find a girlfriend but no one is going to want a guy on disability so I won't dream that one. But the first three are a good possibility. We need to stay realistic and I think the first three are. ;) And it sounds like Annie, Melissa and Kelly are going to have some fun too! Fantastic. It makes the first 10 weeks or so of recovery worth it. Anyway this is a fun question! Thank you for asking it Lois! :)
   — Danmark

August 22, 2001
I am looking forward to riding fair/amusement park rides, to being able to shop with my mother-in-law when we visit and stay in the same department and stores as she does, to be able to ride horses again (and learn how to do it properly), to having trouble finding my size clothes in the clearance rack because it is a popular "normal" size, to cross my legs. When I have a tummy tuck and my stomach looks ok, I want my belly button pierced. I am also planning a breast lift and possibly implants (if they get too saggy--which they probably will--I've lost 35 pounds now and they are already starting to droop farther!!!!)--if this happens, I will love being able to go without a bra. And speaking of bras, I'll be able to buy cute little ones with matching panties!! :-) And I am looking forward to having energy and fitting in airplane seats comfortably. And I have to admit, I am looking forward to the looks that people I know will give me---you know the "Oh my God, look at you!" looks! Thanks for the question Lois.
   — Sharon N.

August 22, 2001
This is a great question!!!! I am going to ride horse again. swim at the beach,camping,hiking. And take my son to Disney World and ride all the rides with him. And be able to go for long walks with my husband. I also I would like to look normal for my oldest sons wedding next yr. Waklking up stairs without passing out will be great. And I too would like a tatoo. The first thingI will by is a dress I have only worn one dress in the last 10 yrs and it wasn't good. I would love to go back to see people I haven't seen in yrs because I was to fat and didn't want them to see how big I got. This was fun and I don't want to take up to much time I could go on for hours but I'll stop here. thanks for this few minutes of dream time it was great.
   — Sue R. T.

August 22, 2001
I loved this question and reading what others plan on doing. Here's what I want.....definetely shopping in the "normal" section. Already have a shopping spree set up with my mom and aunt (haven't even had surgery I also want to have my belly button pierced...I think it's so cute. I look forward to buying sexy clothes under garmets made for young women not grandma types. (No offense to anyone). I can't wait for my husband to take one look at me and "attack" me cuz I look so good. Most of all I want to be able to run with my kids, go for bike rides with them, practice their sports with them without hurting or being out of breath. I look forward to being normal again and being able to do what the normal people do. Thanks for the was great fun thinking about my future!!! Good luck to all that your dreams will come true!
   — Tammy K.

August 22, 2001
8/22/01 - My Life- and doing anything I want to do.
   — Deborah M.

August 22, 2001
fishing in a lake you can only hike into. Knee high boots. hiking a part of the John Muir trail with my husband (his dream). not being afraid to ride a bicycle. getting on my knees on the floor and playing with my grandchildren. getting into and out of a row boat. feeling less claustrophobic in an airplane. riding in an amusement park ride without feeling like I am crushing the person next to me. climbing stairs and not being out of breath. feeling sexy. wearing that outfit I always thought I would look good in. not having my rings sized ever again. fitting in a bathtub with room for water and bubbles. not being driven by food, a.k.a. eating to live, not living to eat. feeling able to keep up with my family rather than them holding themselves back for me. getting rid of the "hump" between my neck and shoulders. being able to wear a choker necklace and look good! being fit enough that when they call for ordinary citizens to have a go at flying into space, being chosen to go. And so much more! Thank God for the tool that will give me another chance to experience life from a thinner perspective!
   — Linda V.

August 22, 2001
Lois, what a wonderful question! Thanks for starting my day on a positive note. Some of the things I looked forward to pre-op, I've alrady been able to do, like walk up three flights of stairs at school with my friends and not even think twice about it. Like you, I'm still looking forward to a leather jacket. I want a bomber jacket, but that'll wait til I'm at goal. I have also been dreaming of getting a tatoo, and I think I may do that soon. Finally, I have two "dreams." 1. to be able to hike down into the Grand Canyon, if not all the way to the bottom, at least to one of the checkpoints! and 2. to go skydiving! My husband skydives and he wanted to hike into the canyon this year. I was able to hike the rim trail, but not the "real" one. If we could do those two things together, it would be awesome! Just 40 pounds from goal weight and looking forward!!! Maria
   — Maria H.

August 22, 2001
Victoria Secret here I come! And maybe a new tatoo! LOL. Seriously, I am looking forward to doing the simple things in life that I was unable to do for a long time. Just walking in the park, or being able to sit in a movie theater chair without thinking that I would need the jaws of life to get me out. Life is gonna be good!
   — Kellye S.

August 22, 2001
I am back at work today after my hernia repair/abdominoplasty surgery. I am wearing Tommy Hilfiger slacks and a Liz Claiborne sweater. Brand new sterling silver jewelry, including a toe ring! I am shopping all the time, because I haven't had a thing to wear in months...Victoria's Secret, and all the major department stores, and in the regular sizes. From a 32 to a 14/16. Last year, at the AL/Vandy game, I bought a size 2X tee-shirt from a street vendor. I couldn't even wear it. This year's game is on Sept. 8 - that shirt is now a night shirt. I am looking forward to receiving my doctorate and being able to walk across the stage without sweating, huffing, and puffing. I am looking forward to spending lots of time with my children. I look forward to spending lots of time with the new man in my life. I look forward to traveling. Most of all, I look forward to <b><i>LIVING</i></b> rather than existing. I cannot express how much wls and reconstructive surgery have changed my life. I have come from the depths of despair and depression, and I am now the happiest person in the world. Just be patient, and do it right. You all have so much to look forward to.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 22, 2001
Looking forward to being able to go grocery shopping without hearing other peoples conversations (that are meant for me to hear) about diet food, My dream is to go on a river trip through the grand canyon, to sit in a airline seat without holding my arms crossed in front of me to keep the person next to me comfortable, to walk upstairs to my bathroom without being out of breath, red in the face and ready to collapse,to go on a job interview and feel confident that my weight won't be an issue for them, to feel good enough about myself to accept a date, to have another baby before I get to old, to live long enough to see my kids graduate high school or better yet, college. To tell all the people at work who called me lazy - to kiss my tiny ass!!!!!!
   — K T.

August 22, 2001
Crossing my legs, not having to pull muscles just to shave my legs, painting my toenails, cutting my toenails, less sweating, feeling my hipbones, clear skin, feeling feminine, feeling like I fit in, looking people in the eye, looking thinner than my husband, getting rid of the stomach shelf, staying up past 9pm, having extra room in my car seatbelt, cutting down on medication, and most of all, being too thin for Lane Bryant clothes!
   — Kelly M.

August 22, 2001
I've thought of another one---being able to wear things that say "One Size Fits Most!!!!!!"
   — Sharon N.

August 22, 2001
A year ago I wanted to look "normal" - and with clothes on I do. I'm hoping to have a tummy tuck and breast lift (maybe enven implants because there's not much left!) so that I look better without the clothes too! I've been able to hike, go camping, wear a bathig suit in public without a shirt over it, fit in an airplane seat and do all sorts of things I never imagined before surgery. I also love shopping for clothes as I've gone through the six boxes of stuff that I had saved because "someday I'll fit into them again." I don't use my CPAP machine any more and am a lot healthier. If it wasn't for the arthritis I've developed I would be out doing a lot more than I am. I'm living my life again and am SOOOO much happier!
   — georgiacarol

August 22, 2001
I'm looking forward to trips to Europe where I walk and walk and never get tired. To being able to sleep on the plane because the belt is not so tight it is cutting off the circulation below my legs. To wearing tight jeans. To having less than 25% body fat. To being able to see my muscles. To horseback riding with my daughter. To jogging without sacrificing my knees. To getting a shorter haircut because now it won't make my face look like a full moon. To wearing petite sizes instead of having big clothes hemmed up. To wearing winter sweaters and not looking like Nanook or the North. To surprising the hell out of my parents who don't even know I've had the surgery. To wearing single-digit sizes for the first time in my adult life. To . . . EVERYTHING!!!
   — ctyst

August 22, 2001
Well I am having a Lap RNY on september 20. The one thing I really want is next summer get one of those neat little Fake Tattoos. I want a sun around my belly button. Other that that I just want to be able to do what most 20 year olds do, LIVE and have fun doing it.
   — jenna F.

August 22, 2001
For me I dream of living life, just average everyday life and not having to think of if I can do what I want. Like not have to wait for my boyfriend to come over to change a light bulb because I'm to big to climb a ladder. Or actually hold my "Special Needs" daughter on my lap without having to put her on my tummy shelf. And like so many others have posted, the roller coasters, I want to ride them instead of my life being one. And a bubble bath without having to go get a motel for the night with a two person tub just because you want to take a bubble bath so bad! To doing a different kid of gymnastics in the shower(with boyfriend) instead of now not ever feeling REALLY clean. To have the energy to really clean my house, and be proud to have some company come over. Another thing i'm looking forward to is being able to look in the mirror and see the woman that has always been trapped inside. She has been out once when I lost 220 lbs in 11 months on a liquid diet, but after a divorce and two kids in three years she was lost in this body again. OK long enough post I could go on for ever it seems but the last one is I just want to feel good again!
   — Doris P.

August 22, 2001
I want my dh to buy me that little (used) red convertible that was for sale in the neighborhood that I couldn't fit into :-)
   — mom2jtx3

August 22, 2001
I'm still 40lbs. from my goal. I look forward to being able to wear size 14 clothes. That will mean that I can go into any store and buy an outfit. I also want to be able to cross my legs at the knee! I've never been able to to that. I have a daydream in which I'm wearing a sexy "little black dress" and 3 inch high heels and when I sit down, I cross my legs! All eyes are on me because I'm so elegant and sophisticated.......
   — [Anonymous]

August 22, 2001
I look forward to doing a lot things similar to previous answers. I want to buy matching bra and panty sets, to wear jeans and a shirt that is tucked in flat against my stomach and not untucked covering my belly.. I look forward to my husband being able to pick me up and carrying me in his arms for the first time ever in our relationship. I look forward to the confidence I need to face the world and not be so ashamed of how I look that I prefer not to go out at all. God bless you all, may all your wishes come true!!
   — sunsect

August 22, 2001
About a year and half ago a question similar to this was posted. I tried to find it to see what I wrote/wished for then. I wanted to compare my pre-op wishes to my post-op reality. I wanted to see what has come true and what is still waiting to happen. But I can't find the original post, so I'll have to rely on memory. I still want tight, black leather pants. I'll wait until I've had the tummy tuck. I have gone to the Boardwalk and rode ALL the rides, TWICE. I can go the fair or the Mall and not have to sit every 50 yards because of knee or back pain. My husband and I are Civil War re-enactors, we have a ball we attend every year. This year my waist was smaller than first ring of my hoop skirt. I corseted down to over 20" smaller than the previous year! Some people thought my DH brought another woman to the ball. Wait until they see me this year! We actually danced! My newest favorite store is Victoria's Secret. I walk right by Sizes and Lane Bryant now. Shopping takes lots longer because I have so many more choices of where to shop and what to buy. My husband and I fit in a double bed with plenty of room to spare. I can roll around on the floor with my toddler nephews. I can cross my legs at the knees AND the ankles at the same time. I can go to overnight events with friends and NOT be embarassed by my snoring. I am no longer afraid that the seat belt on airplanes won't be long enough or that I'll have to practically sit some stranger's lap because I take up my seat and then some. The old fashioned seat belt in my husband's truck now has an 18" tail on it, instead of being fully extended and tight. Speaking of driving I now sit much closer to steering wheel and my stomach doesn't rub on it any more. If I tried I could go on and on. Co-morbidities are gone, my energy and self confidence have sky rocketed Life is so much better now.
   — Sharyle L.

August 22, 2001
Since I am 7 months post op and down 117 pounds, I can do most of the things that have been mentioned. I don't say that to brag, but to encourage!!! It will become a reality much faster than you can imagine. I went on vacation with my family 2 weeks ago. It was this time last year that I was fat and miserable and just beginning the research for the surgery. Last year, I was so upset and sad when we would go to the beach and Disneyworld. I knew that there was a thinner and happier person waiting to get out. What a difference a year has made in my life!! I went back to the same beach and to Disneyworld with my family. I have never been happier. It seemed like I was living a dream...I could remember some of the thoughts and feelings that I had exactly 1 year ago and could hardly comprehend that I was no longer that size and I was happy and joyful. It really is difficult to explain. I used to be negative and "grouchy" when it came to my husband not being very attentive or attracted to me. I would say, "but I'm the same person inside". I found that to not be exactly true. I really loathed my body and therefore was miserable. I didn't hardly want to be touched. At that time I thought, "you just wait, when I'm skinny and you WANT to have sex, I'll show you..." That has not been the case at all. Sex has been wonderful and everything that I dreamed it could be. I am so in love with my husband. I have no ill feelings toward him about his lack of interest...I really couldn't blame him. Oh yeah...back to the question...I want to wear my wedding dress and surprise my husband on our 17th anniversary in March. (I think that I can almost wear it now). I am also looking forward to going to my 20th High School reunion next year. I was not overweight in High School, but I was embarrassed by how big I was, I chose not to go to the last 2 and I would really like to see everyone again. I look forward to a time when people see my small size as me and not that I used to be fat and now I'm not. I love meeting new people and having them know nothing about me, except what they see NOW. This past year, I have had a dream that I would not be an embarrassment to my son when he started High School this year. For some reason, this was important to me. My son is very popular and athletic and I just wanted him to have a "normal" mom. Well, he started High School yesterday!! I went to his football game last weekend and again felt like I was living someone else's life!! I was at the game, feeling small and cute. I was so focused on this time of the year while I was recovering from my surgery. When I left the game, I cried from happiness and joy that I was given this tool to reach this goal for me. While at the game, I didn't feel embarrassed and sad for my husband and son. I felt NORMAL!!! It really was amazing. It's exactly like I had dreamed it would be. So, let's all keep our dreams/goals in focus...including those tattoos!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 22, 2001
This really is a GREAT, inspirational question. Let's see...there will be NO MORE "pull-up" pants, you know the stretch ones...In April, we are planning a trip to Punta Cana in the Doominican Republic and I can NOT wait to buy new clothes for the trip...I live near Kings Island in Ohio...and like most of you...being able to ride all the rides...There is just sooo many things to list, so I will say ditto to all previous responses!! GOod Luck All and may all of our dreams come true!!
   — chance2lv

August 22, 2001
I can't wait to find out if all the people who have told me "you would be so pretty if you could just lose some wieght" are right.
   — lunakitty

August 22, 2001
Next summer I want to go on a cruise. . .never been. . .Hawaii, Alaska, Carribean, wherever! Anyone want to join me?
   — Doris R.

August 22, 2001
Love this question and it came at a really great time for me. I am down 51 lbs and was starting to feel a bit complacent...because I feel so good now! Not anymore. Reading these posts helped me to remember why I want to lose 60 more!!! So much more to do! So what do I look forward to? Seeing my actual knees, not the fat around them where a knee is supposed to be. Seeing my collarbone. Seeing my stomach get smaller and smaller. Wearing the great smaller clothes that a great friend has given me. This question also reminds me of all I am greatful for already... fitting into the rides at Disney, smaller sizes and crossing my legs. I am printing this page to carry with me always! Lest I forget again!!! Thank you, Thank you for the question and the inspiring answers.
   — susie K.

August 22, 2001
I forgot to add these: To be able to cross my legs by having my ankle on my knee, and to see people I have'nt seen since the early to mid 70's when I was 123 pounds. I've been too ashamed to go see them for these last 30 years. If I'm at goal next Spring, I'm going to DO IT!
   — Danmark

August 22, 2001
What a great question, I can't wait to be able to ride the roller cosaters again with my kids. I am almost 4 1/2 months post-op and down 115 pounds so I am planning for those roller coasters by October. Good luck with the rollerblading in that leather jacket.
   — Barry R.

August 22, 2001
I, like Carnie Wilson, just want to wear a pair of jeans and a T shirt and look " normal"
   — Cindee A.

August 22, 2001
These are the things I had for my goals- playing soccer, refereeing (center) soccer, biking, roller blading, golf, tennis, being on a softball team, wearing a tanktini in Florida (and better yet, in front of people I know here at home, weighlifting, jogging for longer thatn 30 seconds (I am up to a half an hour)- all ACCOMPLISHED! Next goal- going to Venezuela in November to build a playground for needy kids- trip is booked and I can't wait to go! Along the way, a few more things happened that I didn't set as a goal, but they are pretty cool anyway- rollercoaster rides, my 13 year old giving ME her clothes to borrow (soccer shorts and warm-ups!) and telling me, "Of course they will fit you, Mom," and they do), jogging on the beach in Florida and having guys stop and smile at me:) There have been way too many fun things like these- I could write all night- thing is- it will all be happening to you preops too!!
   — M B.

August 22, 2001
I am looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning without any pain! Just being able to sit up and swing my legs over the side of my bed would be great too. Right now I sort of have to roll to the side and scootch myself to the edge and then push with my arms to get up. Then it takes me a few seconds to get my legs under me, test the left knee to make sure it isn't going to go out on me and I stiffle walk to the bathroom. I have a really hard time bending at all first thing in the morning. So, yes, I really want to get up and have no pain or stiffness. Next, I would like to be able to get my socks on using both hands and then to be able to tie my shoes. I wear all slip-ons now because I can't reach my feet. I look forward to having energy to spare and just feeling GOOD! I want to be able to buy clothing from the regular sized department rather then the plus size. I want to be able to walk without getting out of breath and I want to be able to walk as far and as fast as I want to without feeling like my legs are going to fall off and my heart is going to jump out of my chest. I want to not be the biggest person in the room! I want to be one of the smallest! I want to feel confident about my appearance and not be afraid to go to social functions. I know it will all come eventually and I am so thankful that I will have this wonderful opprotunity.
   — Susan M.

August 22, 2001
i love this question it's so fun. well i'm down 62 lbs and i want to be able to buy a tight leather mini with matching boots and a very nice expensive top, knock my hubby out when he see's me. i want to go out on the town with him.Something I have never let him do because of my weight. i've always felt weird in front of alot of people.. like always being the fatest on in the place. i can't wait..
   — enriqueta C.

August 23, 2001
I am a PADI certified SCUBA diver, but haven't been in years because of the significanly increased danger of nitrogen poisoning if you are overweight, not to mention the humiliation of having difficulty squeezing into a MAN'S extra-large wet suit (the last time I went diving, impossible now)! We are going to Cozumel next February and I can't wait to go diving!!! I plan to have my own cute little wet suit.
   — blank first name B.

August 23, 2001
I bet this is going to sound funny or trivial but I cant wait to be able to cross my legs like other girls can. Im down 45 lbs and should be able to after another 30. Also to have energy and not be so tired all the time. And to shop without terrible back and hip pain. Whooopeeeee
   — Jolie M.

August 24, 2001
I absolutely, positively look forward to crossing my legs.. I have NEVER been able to do this (not that I remember anyway, maybe when I was 3 years old? Haha.) Anyway, I thought of one that I did not see. I look forward to being able to put a napkin in my lap and ACTUALLY have food fall on IT! What I mean is this... I constantly ruin shirts/blouses because spaghetti sauce or whatever I am eating will dribble or drop from my fork/spoon. Since I don't have a LAP, it always splatters my shirtfront. (I know I could wear a napkin like a bib, but that is a little embarassing to me...) It's the little things that others take for granted that I will love to be able to do.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 7, 2006
I was in an "a" cup in k garten, a c in 7th and a "d" coming out of high school and now after two kids and 120 extra pounds I'm in a 44F. Yes, F. So what I am looking forward to is being able to buy a bra off the self at walmart, having a choice between more colors than white and off white, and maybe even getting matching panty sets to go with them! I would love to be able to take my kids to the park and NOT hear my son say "mommy I want you to play with me but I'm afraid you'll get stuck cause your too fat." That is what I am looking forward to! Amanda pre op
   — ALANE001

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