I have to have all these tests done, is this normal??????

Hi, Received my paperwork in the mail today. I am scheduled for surgery September 26th. The paperwork i received says that i have to have the following Pre-op tests done!!!!!!1 1. Chest Xray 2. Ultrasound of Gall Bladder (its removed, LOL) 3. EKG 4. CBC 5. Electrolytes 6. Liver Function (Bilirubin, Total Protien, Albumin, SGOT, Alkaline Phospatase) 7. Coag Profile (PT, PTT, Platelets) 8. Urinalysis Are all these tests routine????? Do any of them hurt????? I'm so nervous now that i have a date, i could puke!!!!!!!!!!LOL Thanks for the input Kim    — Kimberly Felan (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 18, 2001
Kim the way I see it you will only need 4 things... a chest x-ray and EKG (both pretty simple and painless) blood work/labs (one stick will include #'s 4,5,6,7) and will need to submit a urine sample. These tests are all fairly routine and basic for any surgery. It looks intimidating when listed separately, but really it is manageable. I hope this helps. The only pain you may feel is the simple "stick" with the labwork. Good luck to you! Shelley
   — Shelley.

August 19, 2001
Add an endoscopy, nutritionist and a psychiatrist to the works and we would have had the same tests. I had all these things done...but mine didn't look so complicated because it was just under the LABWORK's not going to be bad at all. Better safe than sorry right! Good Luck!
   — Kristin R.

August 21, 2001
Relax...these are all painless, normal pre-op tests. The gall bladder ultrasound, ecg and chest xray are non-invasive and don't hurt at all. You'll have to pee in a cup for the urinalysys. The others are all blood tests. They'll just take a tube or two and run the tests.
   — [Anonymous]

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