My H Pilorie (hope i'm spelling that correctly) came back STRONGLY positive

The surgeon says that i've had this bacteria in my stomach for YEARS! They've prescribed some medication called hexapac or something close to that and Riglan or something close to that which helps combat the nausia. Has anyone else had to do this? Sorry for the typos    — Ruth W. (posted on August 9, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I just recently found out that I had those nasty little bugs in my stomach and my surgeon put me on Prilosec,Biaxin, and Flagyl, I didn't even know I had anything wrong with me, no upset stomach, nausea heartburn nothing but the test said otherwise,I will take these meds for one week then everything is supposed to be o.k. my husband took the same blood test on the same day and he is just fine,
   — Jennie D.

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