Anyone feel great at a week post op?

I am a little over a week post op. Surgery was seemingly easy, and I wasnt bothered much by the anthestics. Doctors tell me I am part of the 1% of the population they dont do a job on. Once I got passed the first couple days at home I felt wonderful. Off prescription pain meds at 5 days out, and even over the counter tylenol by 7 days. Got walking right away and walked over a mile on my one week from surgery date. I am thrilled but afraid something bad is lurking around the corner and that I will crash and burn. My attitude and energy level has skyrocketed I feel like someone lifted a lead weight from my shoulders. Got on scale today down 22 pounds since right before surgery, Is this common and should I expect the dark side coming?    — bob-haller (posted on July 31, 2001)

July 31, 2001
I feel the same way. I was operated on 7/23 and even though the pain meds did do a job on me, I am off them completly now and went back to work Monday. Lets hope we are just the exception to the rule.
   — Mike C.

July 31, 2001
I was doing great at 1 week post-op too and have continued to do so. (Lap RNY) I was back to work and walking daily at 1 week and off pain meds by day 3. I'm nearing 6 months post-op and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever, and am down 98 pounds...18 to goal.
   — T.L. S.

July 31, 2001
I felt terrific during the six week healing diet, although the full liquids got pretty boring. I was off all pain medication 7 days after surgery and healed uneventfully. I did run into problems when I went back to regular food because I ate too fast and didn't get enough water. This resulted in quite a bit of vomiting , diarrhea and constipation. AT first I was quite sensitive to fats and sugars so from six weeks to 4 1/2 months I had a pretty rocky time. By five months out I felt terrific again and have since then. I'm now 11 1/2 months out.
   — Nanette T.

July 31, 2001
Bob, don't worry, condsider yourself fortunate! Everything DOES go smoothly sometimes, there may be no other shoe to drop. I felt great other than being sick from anesthesia right after. About 100% better then after an emergency endectomy when I was 22, (a smoking, drinking party animal, and never slept). I was sick as a dog for 2 weeks, then 100% shortly after. This time, i expected the worst, I was so suprised I felt as good as I did. 4 months out, the same way! I was at 80% from about 4-10 weeks, then got the rest of my energy back. 4 months and 60 lbs later...!! Now my biggest problem is finding something to wear each morning. I don't think you are losing too fast. Some is water weight, esp. if your ankles, etc were swollen before. Seems too, that men loose faster than women, maybe from less hormones hexing you. Don't worry, and be thankful!
   — M. A. B.

July 31, 2001
Hey Bob. I enjoy your other posts. I am 5 weeks out and felt great the day after I got home from the hospital. Minor "situps" pain and used the pain meds once but really only because I was having menstrual cramps. Other than that, I kept reading about people vomitting a lot (haven't done that at all) and/or feeling really tired. I was able to go walking around my property 3 times daily and now walk at the gym on the treadmill daily. I kept thinking that something "bad" is going to happen. But quite frankly, I prayed and had people praying for me and feel very blessed to have assimilated so well. I'm down 37 lbs as of today and feel great. I am starting to drink 64 oz water daily and 60 g protein daily. I haven't had any probs with foods either. There are times that I eat too fast but I'm getting better. Sit back, relax, enjoy and take care of yourself -- no need to worry about anything if you are feeling and doing fine. As an aside, during the first 2 weeks post, I did try to remember that I had major surgery and just sit down every once in a while. I've been back to work for the past 2 weeks and am doing fine. Congrats on feeling good!
   — Kimberly L.

July 31, 2001
Bob: I had my surgery on 1 Sep 00 (open RNY). I left the hospital with a pain prescription I never filled. I took liquid Tylenol (no asprin!) for about a week and that was it. I was never sick unless I failed to chew well enough or ate too fast. I have had no hair fall out; can eat anything in moderation, and apart from fatigue for about the first 6-8 weeks, have felt terrific ever since. I am a walking poster child for WLS! After 10 months, I am down 105 lbs and would like to lose another 10-15, but even if I don't, I'm really happy where I am now! So, yes, sometimes everything does just click! Enjoy your wellness and don't look for trouble! Best of luck on continued health and great losses! ((((Hugs)))
   — nealp

July 31, 2001
Bob: I was on a total HIGH for the first three-four weeks post-op. I felt so WONDERFUL. I even wrote my surgeon and asked if he gave mind-altering drugs during the surgery - no joke! LOL Sure, I had aches and some gas but didn't experience problems with food, was able to get my protein in, walked daily (I think this really helped) and felt WONDERFUL! I did feel like something was lifted off of me and felt so grateful to be alive and well. I also felt like 'oh, something terrible will happen because it's all going so well' (I still do at 6 months post-op). BUT, everyone has been wonderful and I have had a remarkable recovery. I hit my first plateau at four weeks post-op and experienced more exhaustion then. After that, it evened out. I am so high energy most days but every week or two I need a day or two to just relax! All the best, (lap ds with gallbladder removal, January 25, 2001),
   — Teresa N.

July 31, 2001
I certainly didn't feel "great" a week after surgery. But, it was much easier than I thought it would be. I had an open rny and I had no pain at all post-op. I did have a pca pump; but, I only had to use a few times the first day. After that there really was no pain. Even the incision presented no problems. I was up walking around the next day. My surgeon gave me a prescription for pain meds when I was discharged; but, I never got it filled. I never needed it. I did experience an overwhelming loss of energy. I felt totally drained for three months and I had absolutely no appetite for three or four months. I had to force myself to eat, and that's quite hard to do. My best friend also had an open rny and she sailed through the whole procedure too. It only gets better.......
   — [Anonymous]

July 31, 2001
Hi Bob! Yes, yes, yes to your question....I am just over 4 weeks post op and I have felt great the entire time. I didn't take any pain meds from day 3 in the hospital on. I have followed my doc's orders to a T and have had no food problems or gas or nausea, etc...nothing except the occasional diarrhea and that wasn't would happen maybe once every couple of days...I think youa re doing fine...don't worry about what may come jsut take it one day at a know what they say!
   — Sharon E.

September 2, 2001
I'm with you Bob! I feel almost guilty admitting it, but I have had NO nausea, vomiting, or dumping (I think!) at ALL, and I had my Open RnY on 8/23/01. I took a total of ONE pain pill my first day home, it gave me bad dreams, so I never took another one and havent needed to! I am walking a lot, sleeping well, the diarhea passed, and I even feel real HUNGER now! Yeah, I had a little cramping for a couple days, but today I even had ricotta cheese with sauce, and watermelon! I know if I get 'cocky' I might push my luck, but I just find it amazing that even my doctor said I could start real foods whenever I felt ready for them! I have no idea why scrambled eggs give so many people such a hard time! Lisa in NY
   — Lisa G.

December 1, 2001
I left the hospital after 3 1/2 dayss on no pain meds or tylenol. After the first day or two home I was so bored and energentic I wanted to go back to work that week! I feel great physically and fight myself not to step on the scale more than 1 a day. I know all post ops don't feel this way and consider myself lucky.When i wepgh myself and don't see the scale move I start doubting myself but then I remember everything I learned on this site and lighten up! GOOD LUCK AND GOD SPEED TO ALL
   — jennifer W.

July 26, 2002
Surgery done 7/11/02, exactly 15 days ago. I felt like I could go back to work after 1 week. Stopped taking the narcotics after 1 week. Haven't taken any since. Feel great with more energy everyday. Have lost 25lbs. so far. Doctor gave me the ok as of 3 days ago to drive (lightly) and start exercising. I still have 2 weeks before I go back to work so I will keep on taking it slow and easy even though I feel I could do anything right now! (smile!) Did go swimming yesterday which felt good. Don't forget to take your vitamins! Energy level is awesome!
   — Tania S.

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