I have two questions about hypertension

First-I have chronic hypertension. I've been under a physicians care for over 13 years. Depending on the medication I am on at the time, my bp could be anywhere from 130/85 or 90 to 190/120 to 135. My surgeon is NOT HAPPY WITH THIS and has threatened that if I haven't gotten it under control by my pre-surg appt in september, my October surgery date will be canceled. I've waited a long time for this. Since March of this year, and I know it's important that it be under control, but medication only does so much. Does anyone else have/had this problem? Two-When I went to my consultation with the surgeon and he weighed me, I was 270 with a bmi of 40 and SEVERAL co-morbidities. He said I would definately benefit from the surgery (before he got to the bp!) and we set things in motion. Thing is, i'm in a wedding in september, and I told him this. I know i'm going to be the "fat chick" in the wedding, but I was trying not to be the REALLY fat chick in the wedding and i'm now down to 255 and still losing. Can this hurt my chances of having the surgery? Thank you all....    — Ruth W. (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 30, 2001
The hypertension CAN be controlled well enough for the surgery. You need to be seeing your PCP every week having BP meds adjusted until it is under control. there are meds that can bring it under control fast (usually makes you feel bad for a week or two) and those that can "even out" variable BP like you describe. You most likely need a combination of the two. My good news is since surgery 3-1/2 weeks ago, I have dropped one of my two BP meds and will cut the second one to 1/2 dose beginning tomorrow. My BP today was 113/60!!
   — Anndrea H.

July 30, 2001
Hi, You really need to talk to your PCP right away. I had a small stroke in March - thats how I found out I had hypertension. The hospital prescribed meds but that just wasn't bringing down my blood pressure. My PCP had me add 1 aspirin a day. The combination of the aspirin and Dilacor has worked for me. If i don't take the aspirin, my blood pressure goes up. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Agape, Julie Miller
   — Julie M.

July 30, 2001
My primary doctor had a hard time getting my bp under control before surgery and both him and my surgeon would not give the go ahead for surgery unless it was under control. With weekly visits and about 5 different prescriptions nothing seemed to work until I was given the Catapres TTS patch. After about a week or so it brought my bp to an acceptable range for surgery. It made me very tired but I only wore it for about 3 weeks before surgery and then after surgery I went back on a milder oral medication. If you haven't tried the patch, ask your doctor.
   — [Anonymous]

July 30, 2001
when my hypertension was discovered it took a while to find the right meds to control it. after adding a diuretic to my daily dosage of meds not only did the hypertension become controlled but it fell way back down to the normal range & has not left it in 2 years. my new cardiologist has upped the mgs of my diuretic for heart reasons & now my hypertension never goes beyond 130 over 80 mostly lingering on the 120 over 70 mark. needless to say the dr is more than pleased. could u be in need of an additional blood pressure helper?
   — sheryl titone

July 31, 2001
THANK YOU ALL FOR SUGGESTIONS! I will be talking to my pcp TOMORROW! I guess I should have said what I was taking. 900 mg Lebetalol twice a day (I upped it myself resently from 600 mg!) 5 mg Norvasic twice a day 1 - 20/25 tablet once a day (diuretic and bp med combined)
   — [Anonymous]

November 12, 2001
when i found out i was having surgey i went to my dr and i had him check my blood preasure i had it checks a few weeks before this and it was high he checked it and it was still high he monitered my blood preasure for 2 weeks it did not go down so he put me on Topral XL he said that there was a possibility if i did not get my blood preasure under contol before surgery that i could not have it he also orderd me to have some blood tests i also have high cholesteral he put me on lipitor for that now my bp is somewhat down but i still need to get it lower he is going to check my cholesteral levels before surgery. i am 21 years old and i need this surgery so i have been working really hard at getting both my cholesteral and bp down by eating more healthy. Deidre
   — DEIDRE H.

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