Has anyone had a failed Stomach Stapeling and is NOW having RNY????

Any information on this would be helpful. I had the VBG about 6 years ago and I never learned the proper way to eat...lost 80# gained it all back plus and now I am hoping to have the RNY. Anyone is the same boat??? Thanks    — Annette W. (posted on July 22, 2001)

July 22, 2001
Annette, In 1997 I had a VBG done. I did learn how to eat properly and did manage to lose about 110lbs in 6 months. I have re-gained all that weight plus 25 more lbs. I have since discovered that my band has disappeared, and that makes my food go straight through my stomach. My Dr was unable to tell if my staple line was still intact, but to him no band warranted a revision. I will be revised to a RNY in December.
   — [Anonymous]

July 22, 2001
Hi Annette...yes, I had a failed Stomach Stapling about 8 years ago...or rather, it failed after 18 months to 2 years. I went from 347 to 220 without a lot of difficulty, then struggled and struggled, on every diet pill known to mankind, including Phen-Fen...then, slowly started regaining. I didn't have a clue what caused the failure until I started trying to qualify for RNY with Bariatric Treatment Center...failed the Psych eval and they said I need to see an eating disorders therapist. And they gave me a name of one who works with them frequently. Dr. Roberta Toll, Phd...she is in Michigan...can't find her card at the moment, so email me if you're interested. She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I had no idea I had an eating disorder, and it definitely reared it's ugly head about 18 months after my surgery. I've done a LOT of work with her, and regained control of my eating and of my life and am now scheduled for Revision RNY on 9/21/01 and KNOW that this time I will be successful. I've already cut my coffee consumption in 1/2 and plan to eliminate it by September, even though I work midnites...horrors! Also, started a walking program, and am starting to feel SO much better. Best wishes. Yvonne
   — Yvonne R.

July 23, 2001
There is a great mailing list on yahoo just for this topic that might interest you.. for failed VBG to RNY; failed RNY to DS. Here's the address: Here's another one just for people having revision to the DS: Hope you find them helpful! Good luck to you..
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 23, 2001
I had a VBG in 1984, lost 100 lbs., gained 50 lost 30 gained 30 lost 30 and on and on. Recently he gain in winning, I'm getting older, my knees are giving out and my blood pressure is winning a new high. I am scheduled for a revision in three weeks. One problem with the VBG is that there was absolutely no assist via malabsorption. The other problem (for me) was support. I am amazed at the help out there now. I was a very lone wolf with my surgery. I think most people thought I was crazy. Even a few of my overweight friends. One of those friends had A DS/BD in 1999 and was instrumental in encourageing me to get a revision. I have to admit I am frightened of not being successful this time. But with all this support it will be a lot easier to win this battle. When I had my 1984 VBG my doctor was very honest in advising me. I had realistic expectations and told him them I'd be happy too break 200. What I wasn't prepared for was the gain. Good luck, Donna M.
   — blank first name B.

July 23, 2001
I had an VBG in 95, lost about 130 lbs, gained back 65-70 lbs. I am being revised to Open RNY on 8-20. I still dont know exactly what went wrong with me. I did work on changing my dietary habits but have always experienced a lot of nausea with a lot of foods. I began to eat foods that would be easier for me to tolerate, sans the non better food choices. I cant say if my VBG failed me, if I had a reaction to it or if my bad food choices led me to the weight gain. What I do know is that mentally and emotionally I felt helpless. I experienced overwhelming feelings of guilt and failure because the weight insisted on coming back no matter what I did. My faithful, intimate relationship with Billy Blanks and my bike were just not enough. I am definitely looking forward to my RNY-8-20-01. I want to overcome these issues as well as continue on my weight loss journey.
   — blank first name B.

July 23, 2001
Failed VBG from 84, RNY in 2000. Down 150 lbs in 14.5 months, 25 from my goal. RNY is totally different, and has taught me what I never learned with the VBG. See my profile for progress.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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