I am now 3 1/2 months post op (lap RNY) and can eat anything and everything

I was just wondering what the possibilities are that I could have stretched my pouch already? A normal days eating is as follows: 9am protein shake, 11am egg, 1pm tuna fish and crackers, 3pm protein shake, 6pm 1 hard shell taco. throughout the day i may have about 9 thin pretzels as a snack and of course my 8 glasses of water. Is this too much food? Could I have stretched my pouch already?    — Michelle P. (posted on July 17, 2001)

July 17, 2001
I certainly does not sound like to much food. I doubt if you've stretched your pouch. Is there some reason you think you have? Take a really hard look at the amount of food you list. It is really very little!
   — Gina E.

July 17, 2001
Sounds reasonable to me. The only slight bell I got was the pretzels. If you eat them as a "meal", OK, but if you are nibbling, that's grazing and that IS painless pouch stretching. You never feel a thing. At 7 yrs, I can eat a hard taco OR one egg, but I could not before 1 yr. But then, we have the 6 one oz meal rule, so my doc woulda had my hide! LOL!
   — vitalady

July 18, 2001
It sounds fine to me...maybe you should rethink the pretzels. saltine crackers might be better if you really crave something crunchy and salty. Saltines have less carbs. Remember you don't just want to lose weight, you also want to be healthy and well nourished. Whenever I get nervous and think that something is wrong, I compare what I can eat now to what I could eat in the old days...and...I quickly realize that my rny is working just fine.
   — [Anonymous]

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