What kind of tea is okay

I have a question on what type of tea is okay - I like to have just a regular cup of hot tea (like using lipton tea bags)at night - on my list of foods to avoid from my doctor is black tea and green tea - what is just plain old regular tea bags considered - I really miss my hot tea and I am 4 weeks post op -    — Diane M. (posted on July 16, 2001)

July 16, 2001
mr dr. said to avoid tea if possible because tea acts like a diuretic (makes you pee alot) and they want you to stay hydrated. if you drink lots of water and crystal lite etc. then i see no reason you couldnt have a cup every nite. i know of no other reason for you to avoid tea. btw... regular tea bags are usually black tea and green teas i believe are the ones they say are very good for you (like chinese tea).
   — Kathy831

July 16, 2001
I'm from New Zealand and I drink chamomile and decaf Earl Grey daily--couldn't live without it! I also make iced tea with a few decaf orange pekoe tea bags (black tea) and a few flavored tea bags (e.g. raspberry zinger). My nutritionist hasn't said anything about staying away from tea. I think caffeine is the problem, not the tea itself.
   — PT LawMom

July 16, 2001
My dietician said the problem with tea is the caffine and another thing that not many people know about...any tea (except herbal) can actually make your Iron low. There is something in it that causes malabsorbtion of Iron...that's for everyone...not just us post-ops. But, she said drinking an occational glass/cup of tea won't hurt. My Iron is fine right now and I drink about 3-4 glasses of regular tea a week.
   — Deniece H.

July 16, 2001
Lipton makes decaf "plain old tea" as does Constant Comment (my favorite!). I also like jasmine, chamomille, or ginger tea. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

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