Will my plantar fasciitis subside after losing weight?

My WLS is in eight weeks(I CAN"T WAIT!!!). For about the past 1 1/2 years I have suffered from chronic plantar fasciitis. It is extremely painful, as I am on my feet all day at work. I have custom-made orthotics which have helped minimally, and have been through several cortisone injections,which have only provided temporary relief. My podiatrist has told me foot surgery is my next step. I am holding out until after my gastric bypass surgery in the hopes that by losing a considerable amount of weight, my foot pain will improve. Has anyone out there had their plantar fasciitis pain improve following weightloss? Or has it remained the same?    — Melissa D. (posted on July 6, 2001)

July 6, 2001
I had big problems with plantar fascitis before my surgery. I can't say for sure that it is the weight loss that is totally responsible, but 83 lbs later, my pain is gone. I, too, went through orthotics and painful injections with little relief. I hope it's the answer for you, too. I agree that it is worth waiting a few months, if possible, and seeing what a difference a significant weight loss will make.
   — Katie F.

July 6, 2001
I used to suffer also. But, almost as soon as I started losing weight, my feet stopped hurting! Now, I can be on my feet all day, run, walk, do anything I want and my feet never hurt! I threw out my orthotics! I wish you the best of luck. I'd hold off on foot surgery until you see what effect the weight loss has. The don't guarantee that the foot surgery will "fix" the problem.. it just is the last "trick" in their bag to try. Hang tough!
   — BethVBG

July 6, 2001
I agree that you shouldn't have surgery. My feet NEVER hurt anymore, and I had gotten so that I had such terrible pain in my arches that I'd just sit and cry. What helped relieve my pain was going to the chiropractor for adjustments. Went through all that garbage with a podiatrist, including the orthotics, when it was my sciatic nerve causing the pain in my feet. Losing the weight will definitly help the pain. I don't use orthotics anymore, and don't wear a wide shoe either. I'm now running 4 miles, 5 times a week, and walking everywhere! Good luck and best wishes!
   — Susan S.

July 14, 2001
7-14-01 I also have plantar fiscitis, and its been over a year. The pain is so bad at times it prevents me from doing things. My foot doctor told me that my weight is slowing down the healing process. I too am having Gastric bypass surgery, no date yet, but on my way, (meetings ect.) I am holding out for foot surgery also Im sure my weight isnt helping!!! Hang in there! Thats what Im doing! Lisa
   — Lisa D.

August 19, 2006
My case completely disappeared...remarkable. It took about two months after surgery for it to go away. Terry
   — Therese L

August 20, 2006
<ine went completely away, wish I could run a old knee injury prevents that:( No good cartlidge, knee pain much better too.
   — bob-haller

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