I am 8 weeks post op and I am still sore in my abdomen area.

I am just wondering if this is normal. It seems that all of the soreness would have been gone by now. I am really tender to the right of my belly button, with a burning/hurt pain when I strain my stomach muscles to get up or have a bowl movement.    — psstanz (posted on June 25, 2001)

June 25, 2001
I had to add my 2 cents because it seems like you are describing me exactly!!! I haven't asked my doctor about this yet, but am very interested in hearing what the possibilities are. I am almost 6 weeks out and was afraid that I already had a hernia because of the heavy files I have to deal with at work.
   — KLandrum

June 25, 2001
The first thing that popped into my head is a hernia. Check w/ your physician it could be any number of things.. either way no point in your suffering. Take care.
   — Dawn R.

June 26, 2001
Hi - The only thing I can think of is, during surgery your stomach muscles are involved...and may take some time to recup. I know at 4 weeks...mine are still sore! Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

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