What can I do to improve my energy level?

I am 5 weeks post op from a Lap GP. I have lost 50 lbs and that is great. The problem is, I have almost zero energy. I can only eat about 2 bites of anything without it coming up and I feel better when I eat nothing. Is there energy drinks or pills I can take? I also constantly gurgle! This is a constant bother since I am a salesman. Does this go away?    — Clay A. (posted on June 12, 2001)

June 11, 2001
I'm still pre-op, so what do I know? .... but, can you walk? I wonder if walking for exercise would give you more energy? I know it does me, now... we'll see later. Also, are you taking your vitamins? My doc has us on suger-free children's chewables after surgery (Bugs Bunny is my choice!). I have heard other post-ops say without their vitamins they are droopy. Good luck to you.
   — blee01

June 11, 2001
Hi Clay, By 3 wks post op I was absolutely exhausted. My surgeon laughed, reminded me only 3 wks out-he did give me iron and that helped. I'm now 8 wks and feel great. I've even gone without the iron for a day just to see. Good luck, you will feel more energy as the weeks pass but maybe you need a little help!
   — Linda M.

June 12, 2001
I am 8 weeks post-op and feel wonderful. I take a one-a-day, an iron pill (since I didn't get the one-a-day with iron) and I take a b-12 vitamin I found at Wal-mart. It's very small and goes down fine. I'm not sure which of the three are helping the most, but as long as I keep at this energy level and feeling great, I'm going to continue them. Good luck!!!
   — jennysayer

June 12, 2001
One thing you can do to improve your energy level is EXERCISE! I know, I know, it is a Catch-22...if you had the energy to exercise you would, and you need to exercise to get the energy. Don't worry about the eating; look up 'protein drinks' in the AMOS library. Meanwhile, get out walking as much as you can. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

June 12, 2001
B-12 is essential daily for the rest of your life. I get the 500 microgram tablet at GNC and chew it. It is small and tasteless. Also, if you are menstruating, you need to take some iron daily. I don't know how much as I'm postmenopausal. Time also helps you get your energy back. Take your vitamins daily too, I take two Flintstones complete.
   — Cindy H.

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