How soon are you able to stretch your abdomin?
I am 20 days post op and feel like someone has kicked me senseless in the stomach. My doc said ok to walk but nothing about stretching. I also heard the more you stretch and keep your stomach muscles active the less of a chance for severe adhesions. My energy level is still low so walking can feel taxing on the body. Any advice would be great. — Cindy H. (posted on May 14, 2001)
May 14, 2001
I remember that feeling! My doc told me it was because the muscles had
been traumatize during the surgery, need to heal and then because they were
inactive for so long, they were weak and sore from any amount of exertion.
At 6 weeks he told me to begin stomach crunches to strengthen the muscles.
Walking will promote circulation, which takes more oxygen to the muscle and
expedites healing. Take it in 5-10 minute increments and build up to 30
minutes. This will pass! Good Luck and God Bless!
— Allie B.
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