When is it safe to have sex?
My question is this. How long after a Open RNY could you begin to have sex? I would appreciate any response. Thank in advance to anyone who has posted. — Tisha V. (posted on May 11, 2001)
May 11, 2001
do what feels good! and don't over do it, my doc says to use my own
discression, so we had sex about 3 weeks after syrgery with no problem.
— sandra M.
May 11, 2001
This question has been asked and answered often. Go to the
"Library" and you'll find lots of answers.
— Cindy H.
May 11, 2001
The biggest issue is the healing of the incision. 3-4 weeks should be
good, but you may want to be gentle for a while since your insides have
been completely rearranged. Ask your surgeon for definitive guidance.
— [Anonymous]
May 11, 2001
I wasn't given any specific advice on this from the doctor. We waited
until my staples came out and then we took it real slow. No pain, no
problem at all. Of course it was a while before I could handle any weight
on me (ie missionary) but we managed just fine LOL! Of course I was a
newlywed at the time and we were determined to find anything that would
work LOL! Go with how your body feels and if something hurts, stop
immediately. Get creative with positions etc. Good luck and have fun!
— Kellye C.
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