can you go back on diabetic pils post op?

My Open RNY is scheduled for 16 May and today I saw my surgeon about meds after surgery. My type two diabetes is contolled by oral meds, but he said I will have to be on insulin for a while, but did not elaborate, has anyone else had this experience? I really don't want to go on insulin. If you did, where you on the insulin long? I know as the weight comes off your diabetes should go away. Thanks.    — Carolyn G. (posted on May 11, 2001)

May 10, 2001
I had been on Glucophage and Diabeta for 5 years before my lap RNY in March 2000. When I checked into the hospital, my surgeon explained that he would regulate my blood sugars during the day of surgery with an intravenous insulin drip. The day after surgery, my IV was discontinued and I asked when I would restart my diabetic medications. My surgeon just smiled and told me "you won't need those anymore". As an RN, I had a little trouble believing that that could be true, so I went home from the hospital the next day and "religiously" checked my blood sugars 4 times a day for the next 2 weeks. I never experienced a CBG higher than 90 during that time, and my blood sugars have been in a range of 70-90 during my past 14 month post-op period. I would certainly never state that this would be the case for every diabetic RNY patient, but many other patients have reported the same wonderful experience. I expected that my diabetes would improve with weight loss, but I never quite understood how or why it resolved immediately post-op.....I'm just very grateful, and I wish you the same great experience! Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 10, 2001
After RNY surgery I did continue my oral meds for diabetes, but after I lost about 60 pounds I came off the med. I think it should be your regular doctor to tell you what meds you take rather than your surgeon. Granted he did your surgery but the doctor that has been seeing you through your treatment before needs to be aware of any changes and make sure its right for you. Check with your regular doctor and make sure he wants you on insulin. Sounds odd to me. take care
   — Margaret S.

May 10, 2001
The cure rate for morbidly obese type 2 diabetics is 85% of the remaining 10 % are helped a lot and sadly the leftover 5% are not affected by the surgery. Cure appears to be normal blood sugar with no symptoms or affects.
   — bob-haller

May 11, 2001
It would seem to me that because we sometimes can't take pills immediately after surgery that your surgeon has this in mind. Also, it may be more difficult for your system to absorb the pills consistently enough. Ask your surgeon about his reasoning then consult with your regular dr with those reasons included. Realize it may only be for a short while. Best wishes, Pam
   — Pamela W.

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