Worried about stools...

I had an Open Rny on April 6th, 2001. I had 3 loose stools on day 7 post op , had 1 loose stool on day 8 post op and since then I have had 3 very hard formed stools in very small amounts. I thought the stools were supposed to be loose or at least soft ? I am not nauseated, I can tolerate my diet of liquid- purreed foods the Dr. has me on. I am walking every evening about 1 /2 mile and my liquid intake is good . the Dr. told me I could take Milk of Mag if I felt I needed it. He didn't seem concerned last Thursay when I saw him. I have no bloating or abdominal pain except the normal tenderness related to the surgery. I have not taken any MOM yet but wondered if any one else had this problem and what they did ? Thanks for any help. Connie    — kountry (posted on April 23, 2001)

April 23, 2001
Connie, you did not mention if you are drinking your water? This could be the answer, also exercise seems to help keep me regular. Good luck.
   — Sue B.

April 23, 2001
Hi Connie! I had open RNY on Feb 13, 2001. My bowels have been a problem for me. I could take a box of corectol a week and still nothing. Raisins, prunes and raisin bran was nothing for me. I asked my doctor at my 2 month visit and he suggested Metamucil. I tried it and it didn't work. I then went to my big brother that is a nurse and asked him. What he told me has worked wonders for me! I took 4 tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia, 4 tablespoons of prune juice and 4 tablespoons of 7 up. Works great! I call it the molotov cocktail. Mix it all together and hold your nose to drink it! Stay close to the pot for several hours! Good Luck!!
   — Donna H.

April 23, 2001
Your bowels will lead to much trouble,I had no problems until this surgery. Now Dr, Lahr wants totake my colon out Another Med U doc. Kim Bennett
   — Kim B.

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