I have a consultation appointment on May 16th 2001. My question is when I go for the

appt, will I have to have all of the tests done (bloodwork, chest x-ray, physc eval, nutrition consult, etc.) before they send in all of my info to the insuance company. So far, I have written a diet history, and letter to the insurance co. as well as printed out a whole lot of info for my doctor, so now what should I do? Please let me know. Thanks!    — Dawn H. (posted on April 17, 2001)

April 17, 2001
Call the Doctors office and ask to speak with the person that files the insurance. Find out from them any specific things that your insurance requires and your doctor requires so that you can get started doing them. Not only does it make filing for insurance approval faster but it gives you something to doo until your appointment and your not just waiting. Good Luck !!!
   — Robin C.

April 18, 2001
I made my consultation appointment last Sept. and there were no openings until November. I really wanted this surgery at the beginning of 2001 and I was afraid that if I waited until after my consultation to begin the insurance approval process, that would not be possible. So, my surgeons office told me what my insurance company required (medical records and diet history which included 18 months of MD supervision) I spent the next month gathering all of the information and writing a compelling letter. The surgeon's office submitted these to the insurance company at the middle of October and I was approved by the end of the month-before I even saw the surgeon or tests were ordered. I went to my consultation already approved and was given a date on the spot. I had my surgery 1/8/01!!
   — Shelley.

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