Do Flintstone Vitamins with iron contain too much sugar?

Hello all, I bought Flintstones with iron vitamins today, in a pink box. I was wondering if these have too much sugar? I don't remember seeing any sugar free vitamins. I am getting prepared for surgery, post op. My surgery is scheduled for May 9. Also, while I was in Walmart I looked at the protein shakes and was so darned confused. Can anyone give me some advice on a good protein shake? I looked at Atkins and wondered if it had too much fat. Thank you for your help with this matter. Good luck to everyone waiting for insurance approval and anyone having surgery this week. Again, thanks a bunch! :-) Mary    — Mary B. (posted on April 13, 2001)

April 13, 2001
Although my surgeon said "flinstones chewable" I believe he really meant children's chewables. I found sugar free bugs bunny chewables. I take 2 of them daily. They are essentially the same thing as flinstones. If you get the ones that say "complete" they contain iron. I have had no problems with them and I can relax and know that they contain no sugar. I believe that I actually got my last bottle at WalMart.
   — Shelley.

April 14, 2001
Regular Flintstones are fine, with iron Flintstones are fine, Flintstones complete are fine -- with RNY surgery. I don't do protein drinks but there's a LOT of advice on this website. Just click on "Library" and search "protein drinks"
   — Cindy H.

April 14, 2001
Hi! I too am preparing for surgery and have read the labels on the protein drinks at SAMs, Walmart, Kmart, you name it. Basically, I'm finding that most brands they carry are higher in carbohydrates, fats, and/or sugars than what I've read is optimal for "us". GNC carries a lot of good brands but they are VERY expensive. Anyway, yesterday I did a lot of "online" searching and this is what I found. Michelle (Vitalady) has a lot of really good information on protein products and even compares them to each other. However, I did find that two sites carried the products I was most interested in cheaper. We are having to be very budget conscious right now so the money aspect was important. Anyway, take a look at "In shape Online" and "Netrition". I prices Extreme Pro Pure (the one that tastes like Crystal Light), Problend 55, and Designer Protein were all cheaper here (even shipping was cheaper). One BIG benefit I see to vitalady is that she does sell the samples of many products. Plus (and I wish cost wasn't a factor for me) she's one of "us" and I think it is great to support her. Good luck.
   — Donda B.

April 24, 2001
I was told by my doctor as well as my nutritionist to take 2 Flinstones Complete vitamins daily. They do not contain any sugar. There's also the Bugs Bunny brand that are sugar-free. I just found that the Flinstones ones are cheaper. Good Luck:)
   — Andrea H.

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