Why do i find myself physically hungry all the time after surgery??

i'm hungry even after eating, is it possible the surgery was unsucessful??    — shelley F. (posted on April 8, 2001)

April 8, 2001
Since Barb covered the nutritional aspects, I'll do mechanical. Any chance of staple line disruption? If you were transected (divided), toss this option out. Have you been drinking with meals? Consistently, not just a sip when you eat something hot? Have you been grazing? Or just eating your multiple tiny meals per day? I'm not asking these with any judgment or guilt things, 'K? Just having you check your mechanics. Even with an intact staple line, it's possible to stretch the stoma. And it's possible that the stoma can stretch without any help from you. If you're truly rumbly-growly hungry AND you are taking in the 60g of protein supps AND you are eating small but reasonably every 2-3 hours (but not constantly), you might want to get schedule for a scope. Get an eyeball in there to look around and see if the pouch has stretched unaccountably or the stoma has enlarged. I always tend to think that these kinds of problems are more likely to mechanical than "mental", so before you freak out, check the basics.
   — vitalady

April 12, 2001
I wonder if you are having stomach pain or spasms that FEEL like hunger pains. If you have this while you are full, or have no appetite, I'd ask the surgeon. You could have an ulcer, gastritis, etc. But don't worry too much.--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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