OK here I go with a question, I have noticed the past 4 days that I feel like I have to urinate and kinda hurts and once I get to the bathroom all I do is drible. This is a real measureable pain and inconvience to me. Last night for the first time Sam mention this unusal odor down there that I had too. (Tell me this is not true Love, that we can openly bring up this kind of topics without getting mad at each other, see why I love this man so much) Today he said he was sorry for telling me of my "not so fresh felling" which has been the first believe me. and I told him about this problem I have had for 4 days now. He asked me how much yogurt have I been eating because it now sounds like a yeast infection. (He said he read here on someones profile that it happen to them with the yogurt, not sure who) I have been eating it almost every day or two, now that I found a good one. Now the problem is how do I get rid of it. Thanks, Jay Biller — jay B. (posted on March 20, 2001)
March 20, 2001
Yogart is goood bacteria. Yeast infections are caused by bad bacteria.
Infact I have heard of women who have cured yeast infections by
"applying" yogart to the area. I wouldn't necessarly recommend
it just find it interesting. It sounds more like you have a bladder
infection then a yeast infection. Yeast itch and you have a cottage cheese
like discharge and get "fishy" smalling. Bladder infections you
fell like you have to go all the time but when you sit to go you don't go
very much also your urine can become very concentrated thus causing a
stronger smell. Either way I would call your pcp. good luck
— Paula G.
March 20, 2001
sorry that would be smelling not smalling :~}
— Paula G.
March 20, 2001
I work for an OB/GYN doc, and we see ppl with your symptoms frequently. It
sounds very much to me (without diagnosing you or anything) that you have a
bladder infection. You need to get this taken care of asap, so as not to
let it get into your kidneys. A yeast inf would have one or more symptoms
such as a "cheezy" discharge, itching, irritation, and foul odor.
A bladder inf would have symptoms such as frequent need to urinate, very
little production of urine, pain in lower ab and or back (near kidneys),
etc. For now til you get to the doc, drink cranberry juice if you can,
that is if your body allows it lol. It dilutes the infection in your
bladder. Good luck to you.
— Tam P.
March 20, 2001
Sounds like you have a bladder and vaginal infection. Get thee to a doctor
for some antibiotics. As for the fact, eating yogurt will help
PREVENT yeast infections. I have done this and recommended it to one of my
pregnant friends who could take no yeast infection medication and was
miserable: douche with a mixture of 2T plain yogurt mixed into a quart of
warm water. Kills the itch immediately and the little friendly bacteria in
the yogurt eats the yeast cells. They then create an environment which is
not friendly to yeast development...Ah the human body..what an eco-system!
— merri B.
March 21, 2001
Drinking any kind of juice high in citric acid may treat a bladder
infection but then again it may not. Your bladder only holds urine excreted
by your kidneys, but your kidneys don't filter the liquids that you drink.
Your urine and all its waste products are filtered out of your -blood- by
your kidneys. Liquids and liquified nutrients are absorbed in your
intestines into the bloodstream for cellular metabolism. The wasteproducts
become urine. The cranberry juice would have to raise the pH of your blood
significantly to make a difference.
— [Anonymous]
March 21, 2001
Ok, want to clarify something here. Yeast infections are NOT BACTERIAL.
Yeast is actually a fungal. Taking antibiotics can cause or worsen a yeast
infection. It's important to get a good diagnosis here. If you have a
bladder infection, you will need to get that treated, in the process you
may worsen the yeast problem. Treat the yeast problem no matter what.
Eating yogurt is good, I also agree with the yogurt douching. Make sure
you cover both of these possible conditions with your doctor. You can buy
over-the-counter yeast remedies also. It is a delicate balance so go easy
and pay attention, if something is getting worse and not better, don't be
afraid to question your doctor. I get this problem pre-op and it's very
frustrating. :)
— kcanges
March 21, 2001
Sounds like a bladder infection. Does it burn slightly when you are
urinating? I've had these infections over my life and I always get them by
forgetting to go to the bathroom after sex. I think the pressure on a full
bladder has something to do with it. Definitely get to a doctor. If it is
the infection I'm thinking of, you'll take these great pills that will cure
you in a couple days. Good luck.
— Dawn R.
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